Café Evropa a Café Evropa in regions

The long-successful format of the Café Evropa debate has been running since 2015. The aim is to mediate discussions on European issues and the position of the Czech Republic in the EU to the general public. The discussing guests of Café Evropa are experts on the issue and representatives of European and Czech institutions. Since 2017, debates have been held not only in Prague but also in the Czech regions.

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REPORT: Western Balkans in 2020

Our researchers, Žiga Faktor and Jana Juzová, analyse elections in Serbia, Croatia, Northern Macedonia and Montenegro in four policy papers and offer recommendations aimed at strengthening the EU's enlargement policy.

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REPORT: Západní Balkán v roce 2020

Naši výzkumní pracovníci Žiga Faktor a Jana Juzová ve čtyřech policy paperech analyzují letošní volby v Srbsku, Chorvatsku, Severní Makedonii a Černé Hoře a nabízí doporučení zaměřená na posílení politiky rozšiřování EU.

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EUobserver: 2020 Prague European Summit: 'Real solutions, acting together'

Summary from the Prague European Summit was written by our communication manager Jiří Lacina in his contribution in EUobserver. In which he presents the main topics of the Summit, such as the role of the member states or climate change.

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EUobserver: 2020 Prague European Summit: "Skutečná řešení, společná akce"

Náš komunikační manažer Jiří Lacina svém příspěvku pro EUobserver shruje Prague European Summit a témata na něm probíraná, jako je role členských států v EU nebo otázka klimatické změny.

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V4 Countries in the Process of EU Integration of the WB6 and Implementation of Berlin Process

We would like to present a new regional study "V4 Countries in the Process of EU Integration of the WB6 and Implementation of Berlin Process" which was funded by the Think Visegrad Fund in cooperation with the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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INVITATION: Evaluating EU-NATO cooperation, Czech involvement and the prospect of improvement under new US leadership

We would like to invite you to a debate "Evaluating EU-NATO cooperation, Czech involvement, and the prospect of improvement under new US leadership". The event will take place on Thursday 10 December between 17:30–19:00 on Facebook.

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POZVÁNKA: Rok české evropské politiky – jak jsme byli úspěšní?

Srdečně Vás zveme na debatu s názvem "Rok české evropské politiky – jak jsme byli úspěšní?" pořádanou Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, ve které budou naši hosté hodnotit dosavadní roli České republiky v evropské politice v roce 2020. Debatu budete moct sledovat v úterý 8. listopadu od 17:30 online na našem Facebooku.

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INVITATION: Responsible leadership – How can the V4 countries contribute to a stronger Europe on the global scale

We would like to invite you to the event organized by the Think Visegrad platform, which brings together 8 think-tanks from Central Europe. The debate will take place on Thursday 29 October from 5:30 PM online on Facebook.

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State of the Rule of Law in the EU: EU’s limited options against democratic erosion in Hungary and Poland

In her blog post, our intern Aneta Navrátilová discusses the rule of law in the EU with regard to the European Commission Report and the situation in Hungary and Poland.

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