El País: Manifestación masiva en Praga para pedir la dimisión del primer ministro checo

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková talked with the Spanish daily El País about the latest protest demanding the resignation of the Czech PM Andrej Babiš, which took place on June 4 on Wenceslas Square.

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EURACTIV: Climate crisis and elections: Will Parliament keep being pioneer in bold solutions?

Our Kateřina Davidová wrote a column about the fight with the climate crisis in the context of this year's European Parliament election for Euractiv.cz.

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ČT: EP election results

Our Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on the Czech Television, where he commented on the European Parliament election results.

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ČT24: Looking for new European Commission head

Our director Vladimír Bartovic talked on the Czech Television about the selection of the next President of the European Commission.

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Info.cz: Babiš's conflict of interest threatens position of ANO in Brussels. Party can be isolated

Our Vít Havelka talked to Info.cz about the impact of the possible conflict of interest of PM Andrej Babiš on his party's position in the European Union.

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Info.cz: Johnson is coming back. The face of botched Brexit scares Brussels, UK's departure will be hard

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the future of Theresa May's withdrawal agreement, and Boris Johnson's candidacy.

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REPORT: Structural transition in coal regions – experiences from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and the EU

Report from our round table on the topic of structural transitions of coal regions is now available.

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RECOMMENDATIONS: Setting the future relationship with the UK after Brexit

Recommendations for setting the future relationship with the UK after Brexit, based on the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on EU Affairs, are now available. They were prepared by Vít Havelka and Zuzana Kasáková from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The discussion took place on 26 April.

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What are the causes of low Czech voter turnout in the European Parliament elections?

Our Jana Vlčková explores, in her latest blog, the causes of low Czech voter turnout in the EP elections.

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ELECTIONS COMMENTARY: Economic Policies – Czech Party Programmes for the EP 2019 Elections

Vít Havelka, in his latest commentary, analyzes the economic policies of Czech political parties' programs for the European Parliament elections.

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