Job offer - traineeship at our Brussels Office

EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office is seeking a traineeship position.

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Seznam Zprávy: Seznam's election debate: Party leaders showed what they are after. Sternly and uncompromisingly

Seznam Zprávy site published an article about the European Parliament election debate, which was co-organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. The article also contains the live coverage and a full recording of the one-hour discussion.

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Despite Britain’s efforts to combat climate change at home, its overall climate impact is rising

Our Miňo Urbaník wrote a blog about the climate policy of Great Britain.

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POLICY PAPER: The Legal Status of Accredited Parliamentary Assistants

In her policy paper, Nicole Grmelová concerns with accredited assistants to the European Parliament, commonly referred to as APAs. She examines their legal status and evaluates its efficiency, strengths and weaknesses, and also compares its written wording with the actual implementation after 10 years of existence of the legal status of assistants.

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Het Financieele Dagblad: Massive Protests against Prime Minister Babiš

Vít Havelka voiced himself about the current situtation in the Czech republic and protests against the prime minister Babiš and the ministre of justice Marie Benešová.

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El País: Manifestación masiva en Praga para pedir la dimisión del primer ministro checo

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková talked with the Spanish daily El País about the latest protest demanding the resignation of the Czech PM Andrej Babiš, which took place on June 4 on Wenceslas Square.

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Kauppalehti (FI): Jäsenmaiden ote EU:sta vahvistuu – Tulevan komission ohjelmasta päättävät jäsenmaiden johtajat

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková talked with the Finnish daily Kauppalehti about the future programme of the European Commission and the role of the member states.

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Kauppalehti (FI): Tutkija: Ranskalainen komission pomona voisi johtaa yhteentörmäyksiin EU:n kehityksessä

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková spoke about the process of appointing top EU positions for the Finnish daily Kauppalehti, with a focus on the selection of the President of the European Commission.

Show more Johnson is coming back. The face of botched Brexit scares Brussels, UK's departure will be hard

Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the future of Theresa May's withdrawal agreement, and Boris Johnson's candidacy.

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REPORT: Structural transition in coal regions – experiences from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and the EU

Report from our round table on the topic of structural transitions of coal regions is now available.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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