Is Poland truly on the verge of a conservative Armageddon?

Michal Vít's take on the Polish parliamentary elections.

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Invitation: Is the EU moving closer to Ukraine? Why mutual perceptions matter

Panel discussion on mutual perceptions between Ukraine and the EU and how these affect the relationship between them.

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Crimea - A Forgotten Peninsula?

Panel discussion on Ukraine and Crimea as part of the Forum 2000 Conference.

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Card games and tricks of the national parliaments in the EU

Ivo Šlosarčík's policy brief regarding the card system and its use in the decision-making process of the EU.

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EurActiv: Diplomatic pressure?

Radomír Špok's commentary on the threat to limit funds for the countries refusing the refugee quotas.

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More divisions and fewer decisions: just another day in Brussels?

Will the V4 countries find a common ground with the "Old Europe" regarding the refugee crisis? Read Martin Michelot's take on Central Europe's transformed image in Brussels.

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Profit or perish? Hungary and the Czech Republic’s response to the refugee crisis

How politicians in the Czech Republic and Hungary react on the migration crisis? A what myths are currently related to migration in those countries? New blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen.

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Elections to the European Parliament and the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic

Ivo Šlosarčík's policy brief on the constitutionality of the 5% threshold for the European Parliament elections.

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Migrants in the ‘no man’s land’ and the Western Balkans in the ‘twilight zone’

How is current migrant crisis showing Western Balkans relations and what damage does it cause there? Read the text by Marko Stojić.

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Donbas elections: A way out or a road to nowhere?

New blog post by Oleksii Sydorchuk on recent development in Ukraine, mainly about elections in Donbas.

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