Café Evropa: The powerful man upon the Bosphorus (EU and Turkey)

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate, part of Café Evropa series of debates. The distinguished guests, Lucia Najšlová and Tomáš Pojar will discuss the following topic: “The Powerful Man Upon the Bosphorus (EU and Turkey).

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Preparations for a Brexit IV: views from Austria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, and Malta

With the Brexit referendum being just behind the corner, the London School of Economics and Political Science launched a series of blogs about member states’ attitudes towards Brexit and future without Great Britain. Vladimír Bartovic and Zuzana Kasáková contributed to the forth blog describing position of the Czech Republic.

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Přípravy na Brexit IV: pohled Rakouska, České republiky, Finska, Řecka a Malty

Referendum o vystoupení Velké Británie z EU se blíží. London School of Economics and Political Science vydala v pořadí již čtvrtý blog o postojích členských zemí k Brexitu a budoucnosti EU bez Velké Británie. Za Českou republiku přispěl Vladimír Bartovic ve spolupráci se Zuzanou Kasákovou.

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Current Populism in Europe: Impact on the Political Landscape

Goethe Institute in Prague is, in cooperation with Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Prague, organizing international conference focusing on populism in Europe.

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A Mixed Bag? Reflections on the Big Bang Enlargement 12 Years On

Together with the Institute for European Studies at Université libre de Bruxelles we cordially invite you to a book launch and debate introducing Tereza Novotná's new book 'How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation'

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A Mixed Bag? Reflections on the Big Bang Enlargement 12 Years On

Společně s Institutem evropských studií (Institute of European Studies at Université libre de Bruxelles) Vás zveme na veřejnou diskuzi a představení publikace Terezy Novotné 'How Germany Unified and the EU Enlarged: Negotiating the Accession through Transplantation and Adaptation'.

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Managing Palermo: Challenges and new trends

Leoluca Orlando, mayor of Palermo and laureate of the European Parliament "European Civic Prize", will come to Prague and give a lecture on Wednesday April 20th at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.

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Book launch: Diverging Voices Converging Policies: Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

We would like to cordially invite you to a public launch of the book “Diverging Voices Converging Policies: Visegrad States’ Reactions to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict” which was commissioned by the Prague and Warsaw offices of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

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Workshop in Kharkiv: "Information Security as a Part of National Security in Eastern Europe"

EUROPEUM's representative, Jan Kříž, participated in a workshop in Kharkiv on the topic of "Information Security as a Part of National Security in Eastern Europe". Read his report of this international meeting.

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Workshop v Charkově: "Information Security as a Part of National Security in Eastern Europe"

Zástupce EUROPEA Jan Kříž se zúčastnil workshopu v ukrajinském Charkově na téma "Information Security as a Part of National Security in Eastern Europe". Přečtěte si jeho report z tohoto mezinárodního setkání.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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tel.: +420 212 246 552