TV Noe: Current situation in Turkey in the international context

Our Research Fellow Michal Vít spoke about unsuccessful coup in Turkey, events that followed immediately after and their relevance for current state of international relations.

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How do Czech political parties work in the framework of European parties – is there any sense in voting them according to it?

We organised an event on the work of Czech political parties within the European Parliament.

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Analysis: Work Activity of the Czech Members of the European Parliament during the Years 2009 - 2014

Věra Řiháčková compiled an analysis of the activity of Czech MEPs in Brussels and Strasbourg from 2009 to 2014.

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ČT24: Implications of Turkish coup d'état attempt

Michal Vít was a guest of Studio ČT24 the 3rd of August. He spoke about the situation after failed military coup d'état in Turkey and its implications for the EU-Turkey refugee deal.

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Western Balkans on its way to the EU – status quo regardless of the refugee crisis

New policy paper by Michal Vít analyses current situation in the Western Balkans countries from the perspective of ongoing convergence process of these countries and the EU.

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ČRo Plus: debated issues of the EU-Turkey deal

Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Czech Radio Plus, where he talked about further negotiations of the EU-Turkey migration deal, including the possibility of an unilateral termination of the agreement by Turkey.

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Reportér: The age after Brexit

In the July Issue of the Reportér magazine you can find an article by our Director Vladimír Bartovic on the topic of post-Brexit situation.

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RTVS: Causes of Muslim radicalisation

Our Head of Research Martin Michelot shared his views on Muslim radicalisation in K veci programme on Radio Slovakia on Thursday, July 21.

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ČT24: Brexit aftermath talks. Who is missing?

Michal Vít was a guest on ČT24 the 13th of July. He spoke about the summit on Brexit aftermath, that is to be held at the end of August by Germany, Italy and France, whose president, Francois Hollande, invited the other two European leaders.

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