Hospodářské Noviny: The Czech Republic should get almost 20 billion euro from the recovery budget. Babiš doesn't agree with the distribution

Our Vít Havelka for Hospodářské Noviny on the negative attitude of the Czech Prime Minister towards the recovery budget introduced by European Commission.

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Czech Interests in the EU

In May 2020, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, in cooperation with the STEM Institute of Empirical Research (project initiator), the Association for International Affairs (AMO) and Europe in Data portal, launched the Czech Interests in the EU project. It aims to explain to the Czech public how Czechs influence politics in Europe, and to examine whether politicians in Europe really promote Czech interests.

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iRozhlas: Babiš is being thrifty in the wrong moment

Our Vít Havelka wrote a commentary with Nikola Hořejš (STEM) for iRozhlas about the European Commissions Recovery Fund and its impact on the Czech Republic.

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EURO: How dohas the European Union look like one year after election? Bigger emphasis on the environment and difficult negotiations

EURO.cz published the analysis of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy on chosen topics of European policy and development after the last year's elections to the European Parliament.

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iRozhlas: The pandemic overshadowed Brexit, negotiations are still stagnating. Britain with EU are dashing into no deal, says expert

Director of our Institute Vladimír Bartovic was interviewed by iRozhlas, where he talks about the still ongoing negotiations between Great Britain and EU.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Opening borders: When will we be able to travel in Schengen again?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy would like to cordially invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series. Because of the anti-coronavirus measures, it will be broadcasted online. The discussion will focus on re-opening borders in Schengen that are closed due to the current pandemic. The event will take place on Monday, June 8th.

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REPORT: A hard reset for EU-Africa relations? Visegrad perspectives for a post-pandemic era

An online panel discussion on EU-Africa relations from the perspective of the Visegrad countries in the context of the coronavirus pandemic took place on Tuesday 26th May 2020. The event was organized by the Think Visegrad platform consisting of think tanks from Central Europe. The debate was broadcasted live on the Facebook page of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM.

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Seznam Zprávy: European Commission introduced new recovery plan

Our Vít Havelka for Seznam Zprávy on the European Commission's introduction of the new financial framework, which should help with the economical recovery after the pandemic.

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Turkish Heritage Organization: Discussing the NATO alliance and the future of the post-pandemic world

Our Danielle Piatkiewicz was interviewed by Turkish Heritage Organization about the NATO alliance and the future of the post-pandemic world.

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European Elections: A Year In Review

On the occasion of the anniversary of the ninth European Parliament elections, which took place from 23 to 26 May 2019, experts of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy prepared five analyses reflecting on the past year in the key areas: climate, multiannual financial framework, migration, geopolitics and European Union enlargement.

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email: europeum@europeum.org