What’s wrong with the EU policy towards North Korea and how to fix it

Our senior associate research fellow Tereza Novotná wrote an article about the EU policy towards North Korea.

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INVITATION: What EU do we want in 2025? Green policy and decarbonization

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to a discussion on "What EU do we want in 2025? Green policy and decarbonization", which will take place on Wednesday, 18 March 2020, from 18:00 to 19:30 at the European House (Jungmannova 24)

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RTVS: Christian Kvorning Lassen about whether the European Union is securing the borders better now or five years ago

Greece should get 700 million EUR as a financial aid for securing the border. Christian Kvorning Lassen, research fellow from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, was answering the question of RTVS: "Is European Union better with securing the borders now or five years ago?"

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INVITATION: Café Evropa Online: Modernization of Czech education - what's the future of the education in digital era?

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy kindly invites you to another Café Evropa Online. On Thursday of the 26th March, we shall discuss the topic of the Modernization of Czech education - what's the future of the education in digital era?

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(Dis)United towards a common goal: Can Democrats produce a candidate capable of defeating Donald Trump?

In his latest blog post, Žiga Faktor focused on the Democratic primaries ahead of this year's United States presidential election.

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Aktuálně.cz: Babiš wants billions of euros from Brussels for construction of highways. Demands as from 80's, EU responds

Aktuálně.cz cited work of our researcher Vít Havelka in its article about the attitude of Czech Prime Minister Babiš towards EU budget.

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ČT24: Vladimír Bartovic about European Union's budget summit

Countries of European Union couldn't come up with the new EU's budget even after two days of negotiations. Even after changes in the first draft, representatives of 27 countries didn't agree on the final form of EU's budget, for years 2021–2027. Director of our institute commented on this issue in the interview for the ČT24.

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Radiožurnál: Vladimír Bartovic on negotiations at the Special EU Summit on the shape of the next budget

The first day of the extraordinary European Union summit on the shape of the next budget did not bring any agreement. The leaders of the member states came to Brussels with so different demands that it was not even expected. Negotiation continues and may even continue until this weekend. Our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the summit in an interview.

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TA3: V. Bartovic on the European Union Budget Summit

Representatives of the Member States of the European Union meet on Thursday, February 20 at the Brussels Summit. The main topic of the negotiations is the discussions on the shape of the future common budget of the Union for the years 2021 to 2027. According to the information to date, there is no consensus between countries on the amount of money the budget will contain or exactly what the money will be used for. Comments on the summit by our director Vladimír Bartovic.

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Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership

The project entitled “Warsaw Security Forum 2019: V4 Dialogue on Eastern Partnership” was carried out between May 2019 and January 2020 as part of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation’s annual flagship event: the Warsaw Security Forum (2-3 October 2019).

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