European Summer School 2017 – "Challenged Union: Making Sense of the Troublemakers"

EUROPEUM organizes its 15th European Summer School - this time focused on Euroscepticism. Early-bird discounts are prepared for those who apply before January 31.

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Radio Prague: Défense: vers un espace aérien commun tchéco-slovaque

Martin Michelot commented on the cooperation of Czech and Slovak airforces for Radio Prague.

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German Marshall Fund: What to Watch in 2017

Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot featured, among other experts, in the ''GMF Experts Name the Issues That Will Define the Year'' with his contribution ''France: Navel-Gazing Has Just Begun''.

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ČT24: Maltese EU Presidency

On January 1, Michal Vít was a guest of the Studio ČT24 program, where he commented on the Slovak presidency of the Council of the EU, its successes and failures as well as expectations from the following Maltese presidency.

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The ePrivacy Directive as a Test Case of Better Regulation

Zuzana Picková analyses the interaction between two key priorities on the agenda of the European Commission of President Juncker – the Better Regulation Agenda and the Digital Single Market Strategy.

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RTVS: Slovak Presidency of the Council of the EU Assessment

Vladimír Bartovic shared his views on the last six months of the Slovak presidency of the Council of the EU during the Sobotné dialógy programme of Rádio Slovensko (RTVS).

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The Western Balkan 6 Advocacy Group: The Balkans with a New Communication Strategy Towards the EU

Our Research Fellow Michal Vít joined the presentation of The Western Balkan 6 Advocacy Group (WB6 AG) strategy on December, 19.

Show more Summit will mark an end to the Slovak EU presidency

Our director Vladimir Bartovic commented for Pravda on the Slovak EU presidency that is slowly coming to an end.

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Defence and Industrial Policy in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Our deputy director Martin Michelot co-authored the new policy paper analyzing the defence and industrial policy of Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

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RTVS: German deportation policy

Our research fellow Christian K. Lassen commented for radio RTVS on the possible impact of the planned deportation policy tightening in Germany.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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