Dení Our politicians in the European Parliament: ANO promotes a different policy than Babiš proclaims at home

Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented on the different domestic and European policies of the ANO party. From the European Parliament, Czech politics may look different than at home. The coalition that rules the European Parliament and indeed the EU is made up of ANO, TOP 09, KDU-ČSL, STAN and ČSSD.

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Impact of New Technologies on International Relations: Digital Threats to Democracy

We would like to invite you to the debate "Impact of New Technologies on International Relations: Digital Threats to Democracy". The debate will take place online on the 13th of October at 10:30am at the Facebook page Think Visegrad in Brussels.

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INFO.CZ: The enlargement of the European Union is becoming a toxic topic. Can the summit of EU and Western Balkan leaders break the crisis?

For Slovenia, the enlargement of the European Union is currently the expected topic of the leaders' summit. The Western Balkans could be enriched by the EU, which is a priority mainly for Slovenia, as well as the Visegrad countries. However, some member States are critical of the expansion of the Union's circles.

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ČT24: European Union Summit: What is the plan for EU accession for Western Balkans?

Our researcher Jana Juzová commented on the situation regarding the EU Summit with the Western Balkans in Slovenia in the live broadcast of Studio ČT24. The topic of conversation is, among other things, the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU, its form and timeline.

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ČRo Plus: EU summit with Western Balkans in Slovenia – What is the current situation?

Jana Juzová, a researcher at our Institute, commented on the current situation around the EU Summit with the Western Balkans in Slovenia on Czech radio ČRo Plus. The comment was about how to approach the countries of the Western Balkans, which can potentially join the European Union, but also why the European Union counts on a model of gradual accession.

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INVITATION: Electric cars - a trend for the future or devastation for the automotive industry in Europe?

As part of the fight against climate change and its effects, EU countries have committed themselves to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In addition to several other measures, the European Commission is also proposing that, from 2035, only non-carbon cars be sold in the EU. Electromobility and its impact on the automotive industry will be another topic of Café Evropa debates.

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EURACTIV: Turkey under Erdogan has little chance of good relations with the EU. But they must tackle migration together

In an article for, the head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, comments on the tense relationship between the EU and Turkey. The commentary focuses on the future direction of mutual relations and migration from Afghanistan.

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Radio Z: Hundreds of Middle Eastern migrants detained in Germany near the border with Poland in recent days, they entered the EU via Belarus

Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented on current events on the Belarus-Polish border. Precisely because of migration, Poland extended the state of emergency on the border with Belarus. The problem will be discussed by the European Parliament.

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REPORT: China is no longer ashamed to present its political system as superior to democracy, experts said during the EU-Pacific Talks

Our intern Jana Záhořová wrote a report on the debate on the growing influence of China: EU-PACIFIC Talks: China: Friend or Foe? China's growing influence and its impact on the EU.

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INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: Climate as an electoral topic: Czechia vs. Germany

We would like to invite you to the pre-election debate entitled "Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU 2022." The debate will take place on Tuesday, September 21 from 17:30 online.

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