The migration problematic dominates in the Italian election campaign, and the 'troublemaker' Berlusconi is back.

Our Alexandr Lagazzi in cooperation with Tomáš Jungwirth published for a commentary about the upcoming parliamentary elections in Italy and its impact on migration policy.

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Myanmar, Rohingya Crisis: could the EU play an important role?

Our Benedetta Fornaciari da Passano in her new policy brief analyses the local situation in Myanmar connected with the discrimination of the Rohingya minority. She also tries to define the position of the EU and its possible engagement in the crisis.

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REPORT: Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History

After the launch of the publication "Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History", which took place on December 15, 2017 in Bratislava, the book is now available to order!

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CIVPOL – Civil Diplomacy on Migration Project

We are proud to be partners of CIVPOL, a project that aims to indetify the role and actions of the V4 countries regarding the management of the migration crisis within the region, and to give recommendations for future assistance in connection with border management, humanitarian/ethnic-religious issues and legal undertakings.

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Job offer - traineeship at our Brussels Office (January 2018)

EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office is seeking a traineeship position.

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Roundtable debate: Conflict in Ukraine: Security Implications for the V4, the EU, and the Wider European Neighbourhood

On Friday, November 24, we hosted a roundtable debate titled ''Conflict in Ukraine: Security Implications for the V4, the EU, and the Wider European Neighbourhood''.

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Poland at the crossroads?

Our Lucie Horáčková in her newest blog deals with the issue of the reforms enforced in Poland by the Law and Justice Party since 2015.

Show more Brexit has advanced. What will it be like?

Our director Vladimír Bartovic contributed to the Slovak daily with a commentary on the ongoing Brexit negotiations.

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Hulala: Le réarmement de la Pologne n’en est qu’à ses débuts

Our Martin Michelot analyzed for a French periodical Hulala the Polish armed forces.

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Drawing Red Lines In Gray Areas: Deterring Russia's Challenge To Transatlantic Security Today

Martin Michelot in his new policy paper regarding the security and defense policy analyses the NATO-Russia relations.

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