ČT24: Ombudsman criticizing conditions of voting right and insurance for foreigners

EUROPEUM's research fellow Michal Vít on the current position of ombudsman in the matter of voting right and insurance.

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A View from Central Europe: Germany and V4 moving further apart?

Our Research fellow Michal Vít was among the three experts that commented some newly essential questions in the first blog of a reshaped ‘A View from Central Europe’ series, published by the Central European Policy Institute (CEPI).

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HN: Vladimír Bartovic comments the european referendums and their possible impact on the future of the EU

Read an article published by Hospodářské noviny which includes the commentary of our Director Vladimír Bartovic on the european referendums and their possible impact on the future of the European Union.

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Aktuálně.cz: Chain reaction. If Scotland leaves, the British are one step closer to leaving the EU.

Zuzana Kasáková, EUROPEUM's research fellow, commented on the future of the EU.

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Studio 6: Slovenian candidate hasn't shown her qualification and she nominated herself

EUROPEUM's director Vladimir Bartovic for ČT.

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Horizont ČT24: Results of the EU summit on the UK deal and migration

Our Director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Czech TV and commented on the EU summit, where the UK deal and migration were discussed.

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ČT24: Where is the EU headed

Michal Vít was a guest of Czech TV and commented on the direction that the EU is taking regarding the most recent developments.

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Rádio Slovensko: Commentary on Cameron's talks with the V4 countries over the demands of changes in social benefits

The Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy Vladimír Bartovic commented yesterday at Rádio Slovensko - Rádiožurnál o 12:00 the talks of David Cameron and the V4 countries, especially regarding the demands of changes in social benefits.

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Rádio Slovensko: Commentary on the summit of the V4 countries and their 'plan B'

The Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy Vladimír Bartovic commented on Tuesday at Rádio Slovensko - Rádiožurnál o 12:00 the summit of the V4 countries.

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Better Regulation Agenda - Better Deal for European Industry and Businesses? A view from the Central European Perspective

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is one of the organizers of this breakfast roundtable which will bring together representatives of businesses, governments and EU institutions, to debate about priorities of the EU Better Regulation Agenda in the year ahead while considering interests of the EU Central and Eastern European Member States.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org