A View from Central Europe: Germany and V4 moving further apart?

Our Research fellow Michal Vít was among the three experts that commented some newly essential questions in the first blog of a reshaped ‘A View from Central Europe’ series, published by the Central European Policy Institute (CEPI).

"A view from Central Europe" is a series of monthly blog-style publications providing a platform for foreign and EU policy experts, including young and up-coming thinkers, from the Visegrad Group region – Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland - to reach an EU wide policy-focused audience. The project aims to intensify dialogue  between the Visegrad capitals  and European opinion-makers on hotly debated issues in the EU agenda with strategic implications  for Central Europe.

Read the full blog on CEPI's website.

#V4 #Germany #CEPI #Central Europe

Michal Vít
Research Fellow (until September 2018)

Topics: Political parties, National identity, V4

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