RTVS: Commentary on the migration problematic

Our Christian Kvorning Lassen, in an interview for RTVS, commented on the situation connected with the migration crisis. According to Christian, immigrants should accept our Christian values, but we should not forget the other side of the coin: with the rise in the number of migrants, we are witnessing a tremendous increase in crime by far-right groups.

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Labour market reform and Visegrad countries: Deep rooted concerns and how to address them

Alena Kudzko, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief concerning the ongoing labour market reforms in the EU and recommends steps to be taken for the CEE countries, not to end on the economic and political periphery of Europe.

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EUobserver: Czech PM Babis courts EU after Zeman win

Our director Vladimir Bartovic commented on the situation after the Czech presidential election 2018 and assessed the position of the Czech PM Andrej Babiš towards the EU.

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INVITATION: EU± // What can Brussels do?

We would like to cordially invite you to the public debate titled "EU± // What can Brussels do?" which will take place on February 5, 2018 at 19.00 in the Scout Institute in Prague.

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Preparations for the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 – chances and challenges for Central Europe

Andrzej Sadecki, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published an analysis of the Multiannual Financial Framework for the years 2021-2027. The possible impacts of Brexit have also been taken into account. Andrzej Sadecki brings recommendations for the negotiations mainly for the Central European states.

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ČT24: Babiš and Juncker on migration

Vladimir Bartovic commented for ČT 24 on the talks of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis and the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

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European Parliament: a potential not fully utilized

Representatives of the European Parliament are elected directly by the citizens of the EU Member States. Does the European Parliament also serve to defend the national interest of the individual represented countries? How does the cooperation of Czech MEPs and the Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU work?

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FES-CENS Paper Series 2017: CENS series of events in the second half of 2017

In the second half of 2017, we at CENS had the great privilege to collaborate with our partners at the Budapest Office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung to host and co-organize a series of events on key issues of contemporary Europe.

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Centre for European Perspective - Youth of the Western Balkans

Centre for European Perspective is inviting young people from the Western Balkan region to participate in a public debate "Back on the Agenda: EU Enlargement and Western Balkans".

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Andrej Babiš and the European Union: what to expect in 2018?

Andrej Babiš and his ANO movement emerged as clear victors of the Czech Parliamentary elections in October 2017. Now it's January 2018 and the results of upcoming presidential elections will have a major influence on the future direction of the country.

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