Deník N: The Green Deal is more important than ever, says the Decarbonising Automotive Transport conference

Our researcher Michal Hrubý attended the conference on Decarbonisation of Automotive Transport where he took part in the debate. We are on the threshold of a decision about the future of Czech car transport. Demand for electromobility is growing exponentially globally, as is the development of battery technology. In the future, these could become value-added products that will kick-start our economy and return the Czech Republic to a leading position in the investment environment. According to representatives of the European Parliament, the state administration, the automotive industry and independent experts on electromobility, it is now important for the Czech Republic to leave the scepticism of change behind and start educating and preparing for the decarbonisation of automotive transport. Not only for the environmental impact, but especially for the future competitiveness of the sector. This was stated in a debate at the Decarbonisation of Automotive Transport conference organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy on Tuesday 1 March.

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ČRo Plus: Ukraine applies to join the European Union. Is its membership just wishful thinking or is it actually on the agenda?

Our researcher Jana Juzová spoke on Český Rozhlas Plus about Ukraine's application to the European Union, which was submitted last week. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky submitted the application, which was subsequently supported by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the entire eastern wing of the Union. Is Ukraine's starting position problematic? How likely is it that candidate status will be granted? And which members are traditionally against the enlargement of the Union?

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Russian aggression in Ukraine - can we stop Putin?

We would like to invite you to the next debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic: " Café Evropa: Russian aggression in Ukraine - can we stop Putin?". The debate will take place on 2 March at 17:30. What will be the impact of the joint actions of the EU and NATO countries on Russia? Are the arms supplies sufficient or should direct military support be included? Can economic sanctions help Ukraine in any way now, or is this more of a step that will only become apparent in the longer term? Is the collapse of the rouble and the entire Russian market realistic? How can China influence Russia's current economic situation? And how will these sanctions be felt by the Russian population?

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EURACTIV: You're either with us or against us. Serbia is gambling with its future in the EU

Our researcher Jana Juzová commented for Euractiv on how Serbia's ambiguous position is affecting its EU accession process. Serbia is one of the few European countries, that has refused to join the anti-Russian sanctions, even though it has supported Ukraine's territorial integrity and promised to help refugees. The role taken by this Western Balkan country is not surprising, as it has been teetering between the EU and Russia for the last decade. In the accession process, according to our researcher, Serbia's current position towards Russia is not the biggest problem, as Serbia also faces other shortcomings for EU integration.

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TA3: Ukraine demands guarantees, wants to be in the EU

Our Associate Research Fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková spoke in the TA3 about the possible impact of Ukraine's accession to the European Union, what are the real chances of accession and what view other member states have on it.

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EURONEWS: Ukraine is pushing for EU membership. But what are the real chances?

Our Researcher Jana Juzová commented Ukraine and its prospects for EU membership in the article for Euronews. Zelensky has in fact signed an official application for EU membership, a step that any European state can initiate on its own. Zelensky has raised the stakes and asked for a faster procedure so that his country can join the Union as soon as possible.

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Report: EU- Pacific talks: U.S.-Japan relations - new leaders, new chance to restore the old relationship

Inka Koutná wrote a report from the EU-Pacific Talks debate on: US-Japan relations - new leaders, new chance to renew old relations.

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ČT24: Removing of certain Russian banks from the SWIFT system

EUROPEUM Institute analyst, Alexandr Lagazzi, spoke in an exclusive program of Studio ČT24 about Italy's view not only on SWIFT and the change of their policy towards Russia but also about Italy's overall attitude towards the war in Ukraine.

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PRESS RELEASE: Public statement by the Friends of Free Russia and Czech civil society on Western measures and sanctions

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy joined public statement by initiative e Friends of Free Russia and Czech civil society on Western measures and sanctions against Russian violations of international law and illegal invasion on the territory of Ukraine.

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POLICY BRIEF: French presidency of the EU and Strategic Compass: More EU military missions to come?

Our researcher Vojtěch Freitag, in his article "French presidency of the EU and Strategic Compass: More EU military missions to come?", writes about France and its presidency of the European Union. France has put forward its vision of the next year EU agenda with a strong emphasis on EU sovereignty.

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