iDNES.cz: Cheap electromobility has been pushed back by Brussels. Batteries must be eco
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27. 12. 2022
Electric cars that do not emit dangerous emissions should slowly replace cars with combustion engines. An environmentally friendly replacement. But what about the production of their batteries? According to the EU, the entire life cycle of these batteries should be environmentally friendly, from production to use to disposal. What measures will be introduced, how will the sale of batteries be regulated and how will this affect their price? Our research fellow Michal Hrubý comments on the topic.

Český rozhlas: Czech households and companies are failing to save on electricity compared to gas
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9. 12. 2022
While businesses and households can save gas, they are not doing so with electricity. Why is that? A study on this topic has been produced and commented on by its co-author and our researcher Michal Hrubý for the Czech Radio stations ČRo Plus and Radiožurnál.

TN.cz: Energy crisis
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7. 12. 2022
Michal Hrubý, our research fellow, commented in the evening news of TV Nova on the current energy crisis and what measures Switzerland is preparing.

E15: Slovenia will help its neighbours. E Slovenia wants to build a new gas pipeline to Central Europe
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7. 12. 2022
Slovenia plans to build a gas pipeline to Central Europe to help Central European countries get rid of their dependence on Russian gas. Our researcher Michal Hrubý also commented on the topic for E15.

Extra.cz: Czech Republic is in crisis, yet households waste energy. What to do if you want to save money
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6. 12. 2022
Our research fellow Michal Hrubý commented on the energy crisis for Extra.cz.

EkonTech.cz: The inclusion of natural gas and nuclear as supported resources through the EU taxonomy was pragmatic
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5. 12. 2022
Our researcher Michal Hrubý wrote an article on ESG and natural gas for the magazine EkonTech.cz. He comments on the current development of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), including the role of taxonomy and natural gas as a basic commodity for industry and households.

Stačí málo: By turning down the heating by 1°C, we can save significantly
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1. 12. 2022
Our researcher Michal Hrubý was a guest on the podcast Stačí málo, presented by Generali Česká pojišt'ovna. He answered questions about the energy sector and the energy crisis. In the podcast you will learn, among other things, how to manage energy efficiently in households and what mistakes to avoid if you want to save money on energy.

EURACTIV.SK | Decarbonising road transport: what will power cars and trucks?
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30. 11. 2022
Our research fellow Michal Hrubý was one of the panelists in the discussion on decarbonisation of road transport. Transport is the only sector of the European economy where carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise. Road transport accounts for almost three quarters of total transport emissions.

Energie bez emisí: The decline of fossil fuels is clear, the biggest challenge is to solve raw material dependence
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18. 11. 2022
Our researcher Michal Hrubý was a guest on the Energy Without Emissions podcast. He answers questions on issues such as current energy prices and their possible future development, what impact climate change will have on industry, what is the state's strategy or how the state is approaching the situation.

Deník N: The new emission standard will not make cars more expensive. Tightening rules would increase popularity of used cars, says expert
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18. 11. 2022
Euro 7 - a proposal for a new emissions standard presented last week by the European Commission. Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented on the standard concerning internal combustion engines in an interview for Deník N. In the interview you can find out how the standard will affect the price of cars or what developments we can expect on the car market.

iDNES.cz: Germans want to cap energy even for big companies, it may harm Czech firms
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18. 11. 2022
The German government plans to finance so-called price brakes, which are similar to the Czech price caps for consumers. The fundamental difference of the price brake in Germany is that it will also apply to large industrial enterprises. Our researcher Michal Hrubý commented on the situation.

MF DNES: EU to buy gas together, no price ceiling yet
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26. 10. 2022
European leaders agree on how to tackle the current gas situation. The solution should be joint purchases or compulsory solidarity between countries in case of emergency. Two instruments to limit the price of gas were agreed. The first is a dynamic price limit, which should moderate prices in the event of a rapid increase. The second should ensure that prices are corrected in the event of fluctuations during daily trading on the stock exchange. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý provided his view on these solutions to Mladá fronta Dnes.