Bruselské chlebíčky | For the Global Gateway project, Síkela must find funds and a strategy. Then the EU can compete with China

One of the main tasks for Jozef Síkela, if he becomes EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, will be to manage the EU's Global Gateway project. The EU wants to counter China's expansion in Africa, Asia and Latin America with it. So far, however, this initiative has fallen well short of its ambitions. And that is not the only problem Síkela will have to face. Zuzana Krulichová, a Global Gateway expert from EUROPEUM Institute, talked about this on the podcast Bruselské chebíčky on Czech Radio.

So far, the Global Gateway initiative has fallen well short of its ambitions. And that's not the only problem Síkela will have to deal with. It also reminds a little bit of neo-colonialism.

Listen to the full episode here

#Global Gateway #Jozef Síkela #EU Commissioner

Zuzana Krulichová
Research Fellow

Zuzana Krulichová is a research fellow in the Global Europe programme at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and PhD student at the Department of European Studies, Charles University. She holds an MA in International Relations from Leiden University and an undergraduate degree in Area Studies from Charles University. Generally, she is interested in EU foreign policy and the role of member states in its development, relations between the EU and Indo-Pacific, and global infrastructure projects, such as the BRI or Global Gateway and non-coercive influence in IR. Before starting the PhD programme, she worked for People in Need.

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