Martin Michelot's French elections spotlight
Our Deputy Director's takes on the French presidential elections, in chronological order and continuously updated.
9. May 2017

Read the latest Martin Michelot's media interviews, comments, and publications (including the regular France's big year – 2017 series on Medium) on the French presidential elections:
- 08/08 Policy Paper: France and the V4 in a multi-speed Europe: rough times ahead?
- 14/07 How French President Macron managed to woo Trump in the City of Light
- 17/06 iRozhlas: The French are voting again, Macron's movement is leading (Czech)
- 15/06 Radio Praha: Security and Cohesion at the 3rd Prague European Summit (French)
- 23/05 RFI: Macron pledges to be tough on terrorism during Mali visit
- 18/05 MagyarNemzet: Macron's new cabinet (Hungarian)
- 15/05 Sprá Macron wants to move the Union forward. Even at different speeds (Slovak)
- 12/05 Novoye Vremya: Бонжур, месье (Russian)
- 11/05 Azattyk: Macron's victory, Syria security zones (Kyrgyz)
- 09/05 Multi-speed Europe will be, thanks to Macron, a reality. It's on the Czech Republic to judge its stance (Czech)
- 07/05 Foreign Policy: Emmanuel Macron, the Next President of France
- 07/05 Respekt: The only chance for Le Pen is that voting turnout will be low (Czech)
- 07/05 Radio Free Europe: France's Future Course Hangs In Balance Of Presidential Election
- 06/05 iRozhlas: Both Le Pen and Macron views on the EU are unclear (Czech)
- 06/05 iDnes: Le Pen is betting on personal attacks, but Macron also searched for conflicts (Czech)
- 05/05 The Cipher Brief: Emmanuel Macron: More of the Same?
- 05/05 Washington Post: France 2017: Europe’s most decisive election of the year
- 02/05 Quartz: Stop making the French election all about the EU—it’s about much more than that
- 28/04 Medium: Dear European friends, please leave us alone (just a bit)
- 28/04 RTVS: The developments of the French elections (Czech)
- 25/04 Macron is proposing a new stance on the relations with Germany as well as with the Eurozone (Slovak)
- 25/04 The Cipher Brief: Macron, Le Pen Offer France Stark Security, Defense Choices
- 25/04 NRK: Macron's substantial chance (Norwegian)
- 25/04 AFP: Jittery EU Relieved, For Now, After French Vote
- 24/04 Berlingske: Can Le Pen make the impossible? (Danish)
- 24/04 Vox: Almost everyone in French politics is working to stop Le Pen
- 24/04 Denník N: Macron has a 99% chance of victory, but uncertain times are still ahead of us (Slovak)
- 23/04 WP Wiadomości: Is Macron's victory a victory for the Poles? (Polish)
- 23/04 WP Wiadomości: Meet the new French president. Who is Emmanuel Macron? (Polish)
- 23/04 ČT24: French presidential elections 2017 (Czech)
- 22/04 Francúzsko je neisté a nervózne, tvrdí expert Martin Michelot (Slovak)
- 22/04 Atlantic Treaty Association: Atlantic Voices | Solidarity Within the Alliance
- 21/04 Capital: How false sparks ignite real fires (Bulgarian)
- 21/04 Hospodářské noviny: The French are divided and disappointed. The majority is not going to vote, or will for extremists; says political scientist (Czech)
- 20/04 Foreign Policy: Things to Watch in the First Round of French Presidential Elections This Weekend
- 20/04 Le Pen will bring chaos and instability. Czechs still admire her, says a French political scientist (Czech)
- 20/04 The French are deciding on the future of the country in the upcoming elections (Czech)
- 19/04 Vox: France’s best hope against a far-right takeover is an inexperienced former banker
- 19/04 Respekt: Regardless of who wins, I don't think the French voters would want to leave the EU (Czech)
- 12/04 WP Wiadomości: Jean-Luc Mélenchon climbs in the polls. This is bad news for the Poles (Polish)
- 12/04 Foreign Policy: Who Is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Man Now Surging in French Polls?
- 12/04 Sprá The French Chávez believes in victory in the presidential elections (Slovak)
- 10/04 Český Rozhlas: François Fillon is going into his last run, with the help of populism and Trump rhetoric (Czech)
- 21/03 Medium: What we learned from the first presidential debate
- 09/03 Internationale Politik: La Dédiabolisation
- 08/03 WP Wiadomości: Wybory prezydenckie we Francji. Kampania umoczonych (Polish)
- 03/03 RTVS: Presidential and parliamentary elections in France (Slovak)
- 02/03 GMF: The Rise of the Front National: Taking Stock of Ten Years of French Mainstream Politics
- 02/03 Medium: Fillon and the art of political suicide
- 01/02 Medium: Le Pen’s presidential program: make it rain!
- 31/01 Medium: Why Penelopegate is a catastrophe for France
- 26/01 France24: It's a family affair: France 2017 frontrunner Fillon denies phoney job claim
- 23/01 Medium: Socialist party primary: hot takes
- 20/01 RTVS: Martin Michelot commented on the return of jihadists to Europe (Slovak)
- 20/01 Medium: Can Macron win it all?
- 19/01 Foreign Policy: Divided French Left Struggles to Block Marine Le Pen
- 19/01 Medium: How far can Macron go?
- 12/01 Medium: The imperfect Socialist primaries
- 10/01 Radio Prague: Défense: vers un espace aérien commun tchéco-slovaque (French)
- 03/01 Medium: French political party primaries: cold feet
- 03/01 German Marshall Fund: What to Watch in 2017
- 16/12 Medium: What are the Socialists really voting for at the primaries?
- 09/12 Medium: The most important election you didn’t hear about
- 02/12 Medium: Hollande out: damnation in disguise for Valls?
- 01/12 Medium: Will Hollande run? And what for?
- 01/12 Foreign Policy: Au Revoir, Hollande
- 30/11 Medium: After Fillon: where does the field stand?
- 28/11 WP Wiadomości: François Fillon as a French republican primaries favourite (Polish)
- 27/11 Medium: France’s big year is around the corner — follow it with us
- 21/11 RTVS: French presidential primaries (Slovak)
- 04/11 Newsweek: France one year after (Czech)
- 29/08 ČT24 Studio 6: Who will be the next French president (Czech)