RTVS | Post-election negotiations in the Netherlands

Negotiations continue in the Netherlands on the composition of the next government. The rise of far-right parties in European countries may to some extent foreshadow the results of the European Parliament elections next June. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk analysed the post-election situation in an interview with RTVS.

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ČRo Plus | What impact could the outcome of the Dutch elections have on European affairs?

Negotiations on the composition of the new government began in the Netherlands. It is not yet clear whether the winner of the vote, Geert Wilders, will end up joining it. How might the success of his Eurosceptic party affect the country's relationship with the European Union? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the outcome of the Dutch elections on Czech Radio Plus.

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RTVS | Post-election negotiations in Poland

Polish president Andrzej Duda has begun post-election consultations about new government with the winner of the elections, Law and Justice, although it seems that oposition Civic coalition has a higher chance of forming a government. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the post-election negotiations and future of Poland in an interview with RTVS.

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Evropa zblízka | The result of the Granada negotiations: Is the enlargement back on EU's agenda?

The result of the informal meeting of heads of EU states in Granada is adoption of the Granada declaration, which also touches the topic of EU's enlargement. Jana Juzová, a senior researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the issue on Evropa zblízka podcast.

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Radiožurnál | Union migration reform

Our new deputy director, Viktor Daněk, commented on the newly published draft of the EU migration reform which was approved during the foreign ministers' summit in Spain.

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BLOG | Does Türkiye play well-calculated chess moves on the Western board?

Nilsu Eledağ has written a blog about Türkiye's role in determining Sweden's NATO membership and concerns about terrorism and anti-Islamist movements. Türkiye took a slight turn in foreign policy and now plays a closer game with NATO allies. There could be two reasons behind why Türkiye chose to shift towards the West. Find out more in Eledağs blog.

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DeníkN: Global crises are increasing, the state is returning. However, Czech politicians ignore it

Commentary from our researcher Klára Votavová: The publication of the government's package for the recovery of public finances was preceded by several familiar claims about the exuberant Czech state and high taxes. After weeks of negotiations, Petr Fiala's government announced that it intends to save approximately 20 billion crowns on state operations and salaries for years 2024 and 2025. It is not yet clear who will be affected by the investigation and whether it will be in the form of layoffs or salary cuts for civil servants.

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Studio ČT24 | Emission Allowances for Transport and Heating of Buildings

Our analyst Kateřina Davidová appeared on the Studio ČT24 programme, where she explained the news regarding the trading of emission allowances. Emission allowances relate to transport and heating of buildings.

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Policy Paper | 2022 Czech Presidency: A Surprising Success

The second-ever Czech presidency of the EU Council took place in the second half of 2022, a period in which the EU was under considerable pressure following the Russian invasion in Ukraine. What many predicted would be another regular presidency, became half a year of crisis management. Writes Vít Havelka in his Policy Paper called: 2022 Czech Presidency: A Surprising Success.

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INFO.CZ: Serbia and Kosovo at the same table, but without a result. Instead of a solution, the upcoming agreement brought only more questions

After long negotiations, according to the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, on Saturday, March 18, the representatives of Serbia and Kosovo agreed on the final form of the agreement, which is supposed to ensure the normalization of relations between the two countries. Serbia does not recognize the independence of its former province, and relations have further escalated over the past year and a half over a dispute over the recognition of identity documents and vehicle registration plates issued by the two entities. The heated atmosphere in the war-torn region has attracted enormous attention from the US and the European Union, and both sides have invested significant efforts towards calming the situation and formulating an agreement to prevent similar situations in the future.

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