Café Evropa in the regions: the future of forests in Vysočina - have we learned from the bark beetle calamity?

We would like to invite you to a debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "The future of forests in Vysočina - have we learned from the bark beetle calamity?". The debate will take place in person, in the Painted Hall, Museum of Vysočina Jihlava and will also be available to watch online on Facebook. Is the situation really so scary and what does the future hold for the forests of the Vysočina region? What is the current state of forest cover in different parts of the Vysočina region? What circumstances and causes have led to the current state - and which ones are man's fault? What are the consequences of the disaster for nature, wildlife and humans? Can any positives be found in the whole situation? Will our relationship with forests and landscapes change in the future?

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INVITATION: Café Evropa: 18 years of the Czech Republic in the EU - how has our EU membership matured?

We would like to invite you to another debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "18 years of the Czech Republic in the EU - how has our membership in the European Union grown?". This time the debate will take place in person during Europe Day on Střelecký ostrov in Prague, and will also be streamed on our Facebook page. What are the biggest benefits of the Czech Republic's EU membership? How has the Czech Republic changed since joining the EU and how do you assess its performance in the EU so far? And can the Czech presidency make a major contribution to improving the Czechs' understanding of how the EU works?

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The future of the Common Agricultural Policy - who will benefit from it?

We invite you to a debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Café Evropa online: The future of the Common Agricultural Policy - who will benefit from it?". The debate will take place on 25 April at 17:30. Is the increasing support for organic farming a step in the right direction? How to set up eco-schemes for the period 2023-2027 to motivate farmers to farm sustainably?

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POZVÁNKA: Café Evropa online: Budoucnost společné zemědělské politiky – kdo z ní bude profitovat?

Zveme vás na debatu v rámci cyklu Café Evropa, tentokrát na téma: "Café Evropa online: Budoucnost společné zemědělské politiky – kdo z ní bude profitovat?". Debata se uskuteční 25. duben v 17:30. Je zvyšující se podpora ekologického zemědělství krok správným směrem? Jak nastavit ekoschémata pro období 2023-2027 tak, aby motivovala zemědělce hospodařit udržitelně?

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INVITATION: Asylum and migration policy: Danish and Czech perspectives

On behalf of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy we would like to cordially invite you to a discussion titled ''Asylum and migration policy: Danish and Czech perspectives''. The event is organized in cooperation with the Embassy of Denmark in Prague. The discussion will take place on Thursday, April 21, 2022 from 16:00 at the European House (Jungmannova 745/24, 110 00) and it will be also live-streamed on our Facebook page.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The future of European energy - how to ensure stable and clean energy sources without Russia?

We would like to invite you to the Café Evropa debate on 21 March at 17:30 on the topic "The future of European energy - how to ensure stable and clean energy sources without Russia?". The Russian invasion of Ukraine has, among other things, further fuelled the question of energy security in the Czech Republic and the EU and the future of energy in our country. The current security situation points to the need to diversify energy sources as soon as possible, i.e. to secure energy supplies from different regions and countries in order to avoid excessive dependence on Russia. There are also views in the public debate that coal extraction could be temporarily increased, which would enable some countries to cover any shortfalls in resources. Is a complete or even partial halt of Russian gas supplies to the Czech Republic and the European Union a realistic option? What impact would this have on our energy security? How much further increase in energy prices can we expect in this case? How should EU countries react and help households and industry cope with the expected increase? Could a possible temporary increase in coal extraction mean a return to fossil fuels and the end of the EU's climate ambitions? Or could the current problematic situation further accelerate the energy transition?

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Ukrainian women with children fleeing war - how can we help?

We invite you to a debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Ukrainian women with children fleeing war - how can we help?". The debate will take place on 28 March at 17:30. You will be able to follow the debate online on our Facebook page.

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POZVÁNKA: Café Evropa online: Ukrajinské ženy s dětmi na útěku před válkou – jak můžeme pomáhat?

Zveme vás na debatu v rámci cyklu Café Evropa, tentokrát na téma: "Ukrajinské ženy s dětmi na útěku před válkou – jak můžeme pomáhat?". Debata se uskuteční 28. března v 17:30. ak plánuje Česko začlenit ukrajinské děti do vzdělávacího systému tak, aby se necítily utlačovány? Jaká pomoc našich občanů je nyní nejpotřebnější a co bychom naopak dělat neměli? Debatu budete moct sledovat online na našem Facebooku.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: EU Digital Package - how will it affect online services in Europe?

We would like to invite you to a debate "Café Evropa online: The EU Digital Package - How will it affect online services in Europe?". The debate will take place online on 31 March at 17:30. The debate will be in Czech and you can watch it on our Facebook page.

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POZVÁNKA: Café Evropa online: Digitální balíček EU – jak se dotkne online služeb v Evropě?

Zveme vás na debatu v rámci cyklu Café Evropa, tentokrát na téma: "Café Evropa online: Digitální balíček EU – jak se dotkne online služeb v Evropě?". Debata se uskuteční 31. března v 17:30. Jaký dopad může mít nový digitální balíček EU na evropský trh? Omezí nová legislativa moc technologických gigantů na trhu? Může vzrůst pozice českých technologických společností? Co by připravované změny reálně znamenaly pro uživatele? Hrozí opravdu situace, že Evropané ztratí možnost používat Facebook či Instagram? Nebudou nová pravidla omezující cílenou reklamu nebo propagaci vlastních služeb ve výsledku znamenat zvýšení cen pro uživatele? A měl by se internet vůbec nějakým způsobem regulovat?

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552