Comment: Ukraine in the EU? The biggest risk is empty promises

Our Research Fellow Jana Juzova commented on Ukraine's EU integration. Ukraine's economic level and lack of progress in democratic reforms, among other factors, complicate the EU's enlargement to include Ukraine. Accession would affect the flow of money redistributed from European funds, and Ukraine's membership would also have an impact on the EU Council's voting deliberations and the number of MEP seats.

Show more Komentář: Ukrajina v EU? Největším rizikem jsou prázdné sliby

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Jana Juzová poskytla komentář ohledně začlenění Ukrajiny do EU. Rozšíření Evropské unie o Ukrajinu komplikuje mimo jiné její ekonomická úroveň a nedostatek pokroku v demokratických reformách. Vstup bude mít vliv na toky peněz přerozdělovaných z evropských fondů a také by se členství Ukrajiny projevilo na jednáních Rady EU při hlasování a také v počtu europoslaneckých křesel.

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Hospodářské noviny: Remembering Havel: Government approves slogan and priorities for EU Presidency. What are they for?

Our senior research fellow, Vít Havelka, wrote OUTLOOK: 2022 Czech EU Council Presidency, which is mentioned in the article of Hospodářské noviny on the Czech EU Council Presidency.

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Deník N: Experts assess the motto of the Czech Presidency

Our researchers Kateřina Davidová and Zuzana Stuchlíková assessed for Deník N the motto of the Czech Presidency, which will be "Europe as a task: reform, renew, strengthen". According to both researchers, this is a good choice. The speech by Václav Havel, to which the motto refers, is still relevant today.

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ČRo Evropa Plus: Czech Republic is ready for the EU Presidency, says analyst. The fact that there won't be a second Entropa is a good thing, he says

The Czech Republic will take over the six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 July. How is the Czech Presidency prepared for its task and how will it cope with the challenges posed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine? In an interview for ČRo, our senior research fellow Vít Havelka commented on the topic.

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INVITATION: EU±: Climate in the European Parliament - Outlook for the Czech Presidency

We cordially invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on the topic Climate in the European Parliament - Outlook for the Czech Presidency. How will the vote affect the Czech Presidency? Does this mean the end of the green policy efforts in the EU? The debate will take place online on Facebook on Wednesday 14 June at 17:30.

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POZVÁNKA: EU±: Klima v Evropském parlamentu – výhled pro české předsednictví

Srdečně Vás zveme na další debatu ze série EU±, tentokrát na téma Klima v Evropském parlamentu – výhled pro české předsednictví. Jakým způsobem ovlivní hlasování české předsednictví? Znamená to konec snah o zelenou politiku v EU? Debata proběhne online formou na Facebooku ve středu 14. června od 17:30.

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BLOG: The Sixth Sanctions Package & the Visegrad Group’s Reliance on Putin’s Gas

Jakub Ferenčík wrote a blog on the current topic: The Sixth Sanctions Package & the Visegrad Group’s Reliance on Putin’s Gas. Russia's aggression in Ukraine has necessitated another package of sanctions, this time in the energy sector. Due to the lack of alternatives for gas supplies, the Visegrad Four countries had a problem with the implementation of the latest sanctions package. In the end, the EU found a consensus and introduced exemptions for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

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National workshop on CCS, where the national CCS roadmap

We would like to invite you to a national workshop on CCS, where the national CCS roadmap will be publicly presented for the first time. On Thursday, June 23 between 2:00 and 3:30 p.m.

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Národný seminár na tému zachytávania a ukladania CO2 do geologických štruktúr (CCS)

Radi by sme Vás pozvali na národný seminár na tému zachytávania a ukladania CO2 do geologických štruktúr (CCS), pri ktorom bude po prvýkrát verejne odprezentovaná národná CCS roadmapa.

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