INVITATION | Green Deal and the Energy Crisis in the Czech Information Space

We would like to invite you to a debate on "Green Deal and the energy crisis in the Czech information space". The debate will take place on Tuesday, 17 January from 18:00 to 19:30. The debate will also be available to watch online on the Facebook event page.

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POZVÁNKA | Green Deal a energetická krize v českém informačním prostoru

Zveme Vás na debatu na téma: "Green Deal a energetická krize v českém informačním prostoru". Debata se uskuteční v úterý 17. ledna od 18:00 do 19:30. Debatu bude možné sledovat také online na facebookové události akce.

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Report | EU-Pacific Talks: Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment

During the first debate of the third edition of the EU-Pacific Talks, organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, participants engaged in a lively debate covering various aspects of Taiwan's status. They discussed the economic, military and value drivers behind Taiwan's importance, addressing concerns about China's approach and lessons from other global conflicts such as the war in Ukraine. Read what our guests debated in this report by Adam Horry.

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Report | EU-Pacific Talks: Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment

Během první debaty třetího ročníku EU-Pacific Talks, kterou pořádá Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, se účastníci zapojili do živé debaty zahrnující různé aspekty postavení Tchaj-wanu. Diskutovali o ekonomických, vojenských a hodnotových důvodech, které stojí za významem Tchaj-wanu, přičemž se zabývali obavami z přístupu Číny a poučeními z jiných globálních konfliktů, jako je válka na Ukrajině. Přečtěte si o čem naši hosté debatovali v reportu, který napsal Adam Horry.

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Report | The Gender - Foreign and Security Policy Nexus: Can the EU be a Global Standard-setter?

The report summarizes the debate held at a public event organized by EUROPEUM and GLOBSEC under the Think Visegrad platform on November 28th. The event focused on the ambitions of achieving a gender-equal Foreign and Security Policy within the EU and its potential to set global standards. The panel discussion featured insights from Jonna Neumanen, Vladislava Gubalova, and Danielle Piatkiewicz, moderated by Sofiia Shevchuk.

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Report | The Gender - Foreign and Security Policy Nexus: Can the EU be a Global Standard-setter?

Report shrnuje debatu, která proběhla na veřejné akci pořádané Institutem EUROPEUM a slovenským think-tankem GLOBSEC 28. listopadu v rámci platformy Think Visegrad. Akce se zaměřila na ambice dosažení genderově rovné zahraniční a bezpečnostní politiky v rámci EU a její potenciál stanovit globální standardy. Panelové diskuze se účastnili: Jonna Neumanen, Vladislava Gubalova a Danielle Piatkiewicz, moderátorkou byla Sofiia Shevchuk.

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BLOG | The case of Lampedusa: A humanitarian crisis in the midst of a dilemma between EU solidarity and states’ sovereignty

In September 2023, Lampedusa, a small Italian island, faced an unprecedented surge in arrivals, sparking a heated debate within the EU. With conflicting perspectives from leaders like Ursula Von der Leyen, the focus has shifted from humanitarian aid to security concerns. This blog written by Nicolas Rouillard explores the complexities of the crisis, the divergent opinions, and the critical decisions ahead that could reshape Europe's approach to migration.

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Report: Impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood

On October 25th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office under the representation of Think Visegrad Brussels and in cooperation with Fondation Robert Schuman organized an expert discussion titled “Impact of the Russian War in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood”. This discussion, which was held under the Chatham House rules, gathered 19 experts from think-tanks, EU institutions, NATO and diplomats from EU Member states.

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Report: Impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood

Dne 25. října uspořádala bruselská kancelář EUROPEA pod záštitou Think Visegrad Brussels a ve spolupráci s Nadací Roberta Schumana odbornou diskusi s názvem "Dopad ruské války na Ukrajině na evropskou bezpečnostní architekturu a východní sousedství EU". Této diskuse, která se konala podle pravidel Chatham House, se zúčastnilo 19 odborníků z think-tanků, institucí EU, NATO a diplomatů z členských států EU.

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EU-Pacific Talks | Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific

We would like to invite you to the next debate in the EU-Pacific Talks series, this time on the topic "Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific". The online debate will take place on Tuesday, 28 November, from 13:00 to 14:00 as an online stream on FB.

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