Komentář: Zasedání Evropské rady v březnu 2019

Martin Michelot, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Alexandr Lagazzi a Kateřina Davidová reagují na zasedání Evropské rady v březnu 2019.

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The Unfulfilled Promise of Kosovo Visa Liberalization

The latest edition of our Eastern Monitor series, authored by Jana Juzová, analyzes the state of the Visa liberalization of Kosovo.

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The Unfulfilled Promise of Kosovo Visa Liberalization

Nejnovější edice Eastern Monitoru, kterou sepsala Jana Juzová, se věnuje vízové liberalizaci Kosova.

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FTV Prima: NÁZORY BEZ CENZURY: Máme vyhovět Evropské komisi a přestat kontrolovat polské maso?

Vít Havelka was speaking about the problematics of polish meat with a link to the European commission.

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Info.cz: Brexit is coming, but May has been running in place for a week. Can meeting with Juncker save her?

Vladimír Bartovic commented on the upcoming meeting between British PM Theresay May and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

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European Summer School 2019 – Restarting Europe: The Central European Perspective

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organizes its 17th European Summer School - this time focused on current issues that the European Union faces, including the reform processes and the position of Central European countries.

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ČT24: EU - Mandatory liability insurance for electric bicycles?

Vladimir Bartovic commented the European Commission's proposal on a mandatory liability insurance for electric bikes and similar small electric vehicles.

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Western Balkans in the loop: Reshaping regional cooperation in times of uncertainty

Gentiola Madhi authored, within the Think Visegrad Non-V4 Fellowship programme, an analysis on the state of the affairs of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans.

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Western Balkans in the loop: Reshaping regional cooperation in times of uncertainty

Gentiola Madhi sepsala analýzu v rámci programu Think Visegrad Non-V4 Fellowship, ve kterém zkoumá aktuální stav regionální spolupráce na Západním Balkáně.

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The Czech perspective on the Commission ́s MFF proposal 8 months

Vít Havelka authored a policy brief on the Czech perspective on the European Commission's Multiannual Financial Framework.

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