POLICY PAPER: EU membership of the Western Balkan states in times of crisis: From a strategic choice to protracted inertia

Our associate research fellow Marko Stojić in his latest policy paper deals with the Western Balkans' European perspective and the COVID-19 crises' impact on the countries' journey towards EU membership.

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ČRo Plus: The dispute between Poland and Hungary and the rest of the European Union: The struggle for the rule of law and the budget

Our researcher Vít Havelka was a guest on Sunday's broadcast of Evropa Plus, where he commented on the possible consequences of a dispute between Poland and Hungary and the rest of the European Union concerning the establishment of the EU budget for the rule of law. He also commented on cases in which the proposed legislative act could be applied.

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RTVS: Joe Biden's victory in the US election

The director of our Institute, Vladimír Bartovic, spoke for Slovak Radio and Television RTVS on the topic of relations between the European Union and the United States in the context of the American elections and its winner Joe Biden. According to experts, this choice will improve EU-US relations.

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TA3: How the EU perceives Biden's victory

The director of our Institute, Vladimír Bartovic for Slovak news TA3, commented on Joe Biden's victory in the US presidential election and Biden's approach to the EU. He answers the question of what this choice means specifically for the EU-27 and what changes the European Union can expect in its relations with the United States.

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INVITATION: What EU Do We Want In 2025 – Changing the Institutional Framework

We invite you to a debate from the series What EU Do We Want In 2025, this time on changing the institutional framework of the European Union. It will take place on November 5 at 5:30 PM online.

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State of the Rule of Law in the EU: EU’s limited options against democratic erosion in Hungary and Poland

In her blog post, our intern Aneta Navrátilová discusses the rule of law in the EU with regard to the European Commission Report and the situation in Hungary and Poland.

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Stav právního státu v EU: Omezené možnosti EU proti řešení eroze demokracie v Maďarsku a Polsku

Ve svém blogovém příspěvku naše stážistka Aneta Navrátilová pojednává o právním státu v EU s ohledem na zprávu Evropské komise a situaci v Maďarsku a Polsku.

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POLICY PAPER: Identifying the EU’s weaknesses in foreign and defence policy: the struggle to become a more effective global actor

Adrian Blazquez's latest policy paper deals with the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). More precisely, he focuses on the aspects of unanimous and qualified majority voting, international security commitments, and common strategic culture of the EU.

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POLICY PAPER: Slabiny zahraniční a obranné politiky EU: úsilí stát se efektivním globálním hráčem

Adrian Blazquez se v posledním policy paperu věnuje zahraniční a obranné politice EU. Zaměřuje se na aspekty jednohlasného a většinového hlasování, mezinárodních závazků a společné strategické kultury EU.

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Visegrad Insight Podcast: A Warning Sign for the Czech Governing Coalition

Zuzana Stuchlíková, Associate Research Fellow at Europeum, is a host in Visegrad Insight Podcast, discussing Czech elections in October and explaining to us what are Czechia's foreign policy priorities in the EU but also with particular reference to the rule of law.

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