POLICY PAPER: Analysing EU’s Sahel strategies: A civilian approach in the era of pragmatism

In the new Policy Paper Vojtěch Freitag deals with developments in the vast African Sahel region, which are a concern for the European policymakers. His paper presents a recommendation to a specific aspect that remains challenging.

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POLICY PAPER: Analýza strategií EU pro Sahel: Civilní přístup v éře pragmatismu

V novém policy paperu se Vojtěch Freitag zabývá vývojem v rozsáhlém regionu afrického Sahelu, který je problémem pro tvůrce evropské politiky. Jeho příspěvek předkládá doporučení ke konkrétním stále náročným aspektům.

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EU MONITOR: The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and its effects on trade with third countries

Tom Baker wrote an article about The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, which should be one of the policies to green the area of its activity. The paper offers ideas on how best the EU should proceed with the implementation of the CBAM.

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EU MONITOR: Mechanismus úpravy uhlíkových hranic (CBAM) a jeho účinky na obchod se třetími zeměmi

Tom Baker napsal EU MONITOR o mechanismu úpravy uhlíkových hranic, který by měl být jednou z zásad ekologizace oblasti jeho činnosti. Tento dokument nabízí nápady, jak by měla EU při zavádění CBAM postupovat nejlépe.

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The Czech Prime Minister seeks to renew the old anti-migration strategy and misinformation campaigns in re-election bid.

In her blog article, our intern Agathe Helluin focuses on Czech politics, particularly on Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and his style of political campaigning, which includes topics such as migration.

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The Czech Prime Minister seeks to renew the old anti-migration strategy and misinformation campaigns in re-election bid.

Naše stážistka Agathe Helluin se ve svém blogovém článku zaměřuje na českou politiku, přesněji na předsedu vlády Andreje Babiše a jeho styl politické kampaně, mezi jejíž témata patří např. migrace.

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Resilience and Urban Governance: Securing Cities

Associate Research Fellow Katarína Svitková writes about challenges facing cities today, tracing the concept of urban resilience throughout the last decade, explored in her recently published book (Resilience and Urban Governance).

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Resilience and Urban Governance: Securing Cities

Naše výzkumná spolupracovnice Katarína Svitková přispěla blogovým článkem, který se zaměřuje na městskou politiku a na výzvy s ní spojené. Zároveň sleduje koncept odolnosti měst, který podrobněji zkoumá ve své nedávno vydané knize (Resilience and Urban Governance).

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Is climate litigation paving the way for a more effective and fair climate governance?

Charlotte Bufano has published a blog post that focuses on the topic of climate change in relation to governments and their policies.

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Decarbonization of the automotive industry

The project called Decarbonization of the automotive industry aims to enable fast and fair decarbonization of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic by bridging the gap between policy- and decision-makers and companies. The key networking activities rely on evidence-based research outputs and follow-up activities with the respective stakeholders of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the project aims to deepen the public understanding and social acceptance of the inevitable changes in the transport sector. The project is led by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy with financial support from the European Climate Foundation.

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