Checkpoint: A Danish recipe for coping with a pandemic: people trust the government, it trusts them

European vaccination champion. This is what Denmark is talking about and how it is coping with the current coronavirus crisis. What makes the Danes so successful? What does their government communication look like and why do Danish citizens trust their government? These questions are answered in the Checkpoint podcast by Christian Kvorning Lassen, Deputy Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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EU defence spending amid pandemic: budget cuts in challenging times

In his blog post, Vojtěch Freitag deals with the budget cuts in EU defence due to the pandemic crisis.

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České zájmy v EU: Denmark is one of the fastest vaccinating countries in the EU. What do you think is the main difference between Denmark and the Czech Republic

The most valuable commodity in Denmark is trust, both in public officials, politicians or experts, and among people and in the political system as such. People from all walks of life try to maintain this unwritten social contract and maintain mutual trust. Christian Kvorning Lassen, Deputy Director of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM writes for Czech Interests in the EU.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online – Vaccine against coronavirus – myths and facts

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy kindly invites you to the very first debate from the Café Evropa series of this year. This time, our guests will discuss the topic of vaccination against coronavirus and all the myths and facts linked to it. The debate will take place on Wednesday 20 January from 5:30 PM and will be broadcasted online on our Facebook page.

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TA3: Vaccination in the EU will begin shortly after Christmas

Our associate research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the start of vaccination against the new type of coronavirus. Vaccination in the EU shall begin shortly after the Christmas holidays. The European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen even declared the period between 27-29 December as “vaccination days.”

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EUobserver: 2020 Prague European Summit: 'Real solutions, acting together'

Summary from the Prague European Summit was written by our communication manager Jiří Lacina in his contribution in EUobserver. In which he presents the main topics of the Summit, such as the role of the member states or climate change.

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Invitation: Multiannual Financial Framework in the period of (post) coronavirus

We invite you to the debate "Multiannual Financial Framework in the period of (post) coronavirus", organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Eurocentrum Praha. It will take place online on June 3 on our Facebook page.

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Deník: A vaccine is being sought. EU has raised over seven billion Euros for research

Director of our Institute was quoted in Dení, where he talks about the worldwide fond organized by the EU, which should be used on finding a coronavirus vaccine.

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Brief on COVID-19: European integration continues on several fronts as the COVID-19 crisis escalates. Without the Czech Republic

In his brief, Jiří Lacina explores the impact of COVID-19 on the future development of European integration and the role of Czechia in this development.

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Europeum and COVID-19

Explore our publications, events and other activities concerning the pandemic and its consequences.

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