INVITATION: Reconciliation in Visegrad and the Western Balkans: Overcoming the Past Together

We would like to cordially invite you to an event organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and partners in the project “From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together”, supported by the International Visegrad Fund. The event takes place on Monday, 20th of January 2020 from 3.45 PM in Hotel Leopold, Brussels (Rue du Luxembourg 35, 1050 Ixelles, Brussels).

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EU MONITOR: The EU invests very little in culture but the results are visible

The European Commission proposed in May 2018 to continue implementing the Creative Europe programme even more in the next budgetary period 2021-2027. This problematics is the main topic of Karel Barták's latest EU Monitor.

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EU MONITOR: The EU invests very little in culture but the results are visible

Evropská komise v květnu 2018 předestřela svůj záměr pokračovat v implementaci programu Kreativní Evropa. V plánu pro rozpočet na období 2021-27 pro něj míní vyhradit ještě větší finanční podíl. Tématice spojené s touto problematikou se v nejnovějším EU Monitoru věnoval Karel Barták.

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Hospodářské noviny: Babiš goes to Brussels to fight for billions. Don't tell us how to use them, he says to the EU

The European Commission, together with the leaders of the EU Member States, is negotiating the future form of the budget for the 2021-2027 period. Our Vít Havelka commented for Hospodářské noviny on the issue of the Commission's priorities and the reduction of subsidies for the Czech Republic.

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Lidové noviny: Legacy or the "Last Chance Commission"

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková published an article with the evaluation of the Commission, led by Jean-Claude Juncker, on the objectives it set as its program and on the responses to the situations it faced.

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E15: The European Commission will not back down. It is up to the Czech Republic to pay the Agrofert subsidy, says a political scientist

Our Vít Havelka gave an interview on the involvement of the European Commission in the investigation of the conflict of interests of the Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš.

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REPORT: Tackling global protectionism - European views and responses

On December 3rd, 2019, European Police Centre together with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Think Visegrad - V4 Think-Tank Platform organised a roundtable titled “Tackling global protectionism - European views and responses.”

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REPORT: Tackling global protectionism - European views and responses

V úterý 3. prosince zorganizovalo European Police Centre společně s Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM a think-tank platformou Think Visegrad kulatý stůl s tématem "Tackling global protectionism - European views and responses".

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REPORT: Ever closer, never single

On 12 November 2019, Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union together with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and CEBRE - Czech Business Representation to the EU in Brussels organised a high-level lunch debate. The meeting was attended by representatives of European Commission, Member States, MEPs, private sector as well as trade unions and research institutes. The debate focused on assessing the current state of the Single Market based on various survey conducted among businesses earlier this year - and draw recommendations for the new Commission.

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Myths and realities of an East-West divide in EU policymaking: A case study of V4’s approach to the 2019 Spitzenkandidaten selection process

Zuzana Podracká published a policy paper as a part of Think Visegrad platform, in which she focused on the V4’s approach to the 2019 Spitzenkandidaten selection process.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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