ČRo Plus | Measures to mitigate the energy crisis will continue

Enhanced solidarity, faster deployment of renewable energy and protection of EU citizens from excessive energy prices. EU energy ministers in Brussels today reached agreement on an extension of three measures adopted last year in response to Russia's war against Ukraine. Their aim is to mitigate the impact of the energy crisis. Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on the topic for ČRo Plus.

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EURACTIV | The road to the EU does not end with the summit. What now awaits the aspiring countries?

Several countries from Eastern Europe have opened the way to the Union. During the last summit of the year, EU leaders agreed to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and conditionally with Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Georgia was granted candidate status. What concrete steps are now in store for these countries? Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented on this topic.

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E15 | Summit in Brussels will show if Orbán is Putin's Trojan horse in the EU

Viktor Orbán is the only EU leader who has stated in advance that he does not intend to support the opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine. The question is what his motivations are and whether he will be softened by the unblocking of EU funding for Hungary. Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented on Orbán's position at the Summit for the daily E15.

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ČT24 | Ukraine as the main topic of the ongoing EU summit

Ukraine is a central topic on the agenda of the ongoing EU summit in Brussels, both in terms of the beginning of accession talks and the provision of further financial aid to Ukraine. Does this agenda stand a chance of being approved? And what happens if Hungary decides to block the negotiations? Our senior researcher Jana Juzová spoke about the topic in an interview with ČT24.

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Report | EU - India relations: A partnership beyond trade

The report provides a summary of a public event organized by EUROPEUM's Brussels Office, in collaboration with CEPS, as part of the Think Visegrad platform on November 27th. The event was named "EU-India relations: A partnership beyond trade." Panelists included Alica Kizekova, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague, Zsolt Trembeczki, Research Fellow at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA), and Fanny Sauvignon, Researcher at the Foreign Policy Unit of CEPS.

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Respekt | It is absurd that states continue to subsidise fossil fuels and create a distorted market

In a podcast from the weekly magazine Respekt our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová evaluated the ongoing UN COP28 conference in Dubai and discussed the paradoxical subsidization of fossil fuels in the Czech Republic and the search for a socially just transition to renewable energies.

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FORUM 24 | Ukraine's accession will mean changes for the European Union itself

In its assessment report, the European Commission recommended EU leaders to open accession negotiations with Ukraine, which is to be decided at the European Council in mid-December. But admitting such a large country, which also neighbours Russia, would mean the EU would require internal reforms in order to uphold the principles on which the Union now operates. In her commentary for FORUM 24, our senior researcher and head of the Global Europe programme describes how would Ukraine's membership change the EU and its institutions.

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Hospodářské noviny | The Czech Republic and the world must stop subsidising fossil fuels. Otherwise we will not solve the climate crisis

One of the biggest obstacles to solving the climate crisis is fossil fuel subsidies. However, they have not received much attention in the Czech Republic. Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová wrote an article on this topic.

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ČRo Plus I Czech president named one of the most influential European personalities of the year by Politico

The Brussels daily Politico named Petr Pavel one of the most important European political figures of the year. Our senior researcher Vít Havelka commented on the reasons for this designation.

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EU-Pacific Talks: The weaponization of information: The future of risk in digital era?

We would like to invite you to an online debate entitled "The weaponization of information: the future of risk in digital era?" Join the debate on our Facebook page on Tuesday 24 October at 13:00.

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