INVITATION | YouthEU: Challenging Euroscepticism Through Educating and Empowering Youth as European Citizens

We would like to invite you to a YouthEU conference on "Challenging Euroscepticism Through Educating and Empowering Youth as European Citizens". The conference will take place on Thursday 23rd of March at 15:00 at the Permanent Representation of Czechia to the EU in Brussels.

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ENERGY-HUB: Czech Presidency emphasises European energy solidarity

Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová participated in the conference "How did the Czech Republic turn green during the European Presidency?". She commented on what she believes is the success of the Czech Presidency.

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oEnergetice: Six months of the Czech Presidency have seen progress in the European energy sector

On the occasion of the conference "How did the Czech Republic turn green during the European Presidency?" our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented on the progress of the EU's climate policy and energy transformation, as well as emission-free transport.

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Aktuálně.cz: It will be essential that at least part of the electric vehicle supply chain is in the Czech Republic

On the occasion of the conference on the topic "How did the Czech Republic turn green during the European Presidency?" spoke our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová. She mentioned that the Czech Republic has promoted a unified approach of the EU countries in the energy sector during the Presidency, for example by having a higher than the standard number of ministerial councils for this issue. She also commented on the ban on selling cars with internal combustion engines after 2035. She says that it will be essential that at least part of the supply chain for electric cars is in the Czech Republic.

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EURACTIV: Companies are interested in decarbonisation but they lack government support and a clear strategy

According to experts, while decarbonisation is costly, without it the costs would be even higher. Our researcher Kateřina Davidová also commented on the topic at EURACTIV's Decarbonisation of the Czech and Slovak Economy 2022 conference.

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REPORT: E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe

Our researcher Michal Hrubý wrote a report from a conference titled E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe, where the challenges and opportunities of e-mobility transition in the region were discussed.

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REPORT: E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe

Náš výzkumný pracovník Michal Hrubý napsal zprávu z konference s názvem E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe, kde se diskutovalo o výzvách a příležitostech přechodu na e-mobilitu v regionu.

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INVITATION | New Challenges in the Implementation of the EU Climate Goals | Czech EUKI Community Conference

We would like to invite you to a Czech EUKI Community Conference. The public panel discussion of the conference will take place on 9th November 2022, 13:00 - 14:15 at the House of the European Union, Jungmannova 745/24, 110 00 Nové Město, Prague, Czechia.

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POZVÁNKA | Nové výzvy při plnění cílů EU v oblasti klimatu | Czech EUKI Community Conference

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na veřejnou část Czech EUKI Community Conference. Veřejná panelová diskuse v rámci konference se uskuteční 9. listopadu 2022 od 13:00 do 14:15 v Evropském domě, Jungmannova 745/24, 110 00 Nové Město, Praha.

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Empowering Serbian CSOs involved in the decarbonization process through the V4 experience

Read the background paper for the Belgrade conference, which focuses on the phasing out of coal mining in the V4 countries, to representatives of Serbian civil society. Our project manager and junior researcher Tatiana Mindekova worked on the paper on behalf of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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