France 24: French revolution: Will Macron blow up traditional left/right divide?

Our Martin Michelot was a guest on France 24, where he commented on the recent naming of Edouard Philippe as the French PM.

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Duel for the next German chancellor

In her new blog, Hanka Burešová examines the upcoming political duel between Angela Merkel and Martin Schulz for the seat of the next German chancellor.

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Duel for the next German chancellor

Naše Hanka Burešová se ve svém nejnovějším blogu věnuje nadcházejícímu politickému utkání Angely Merkelové a Martina Schulze ve světle německých parlamentních voleb.

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Is the European Defence Union the way forward?

Our Brussels Office Intern Emiel Dijkman focuses in his blog on the prospects of the European Defence Union and possible areas of European cooperation in terms of defence and security.

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Is the European Defence Union the way forward?

Náš stážista v bruselské kanceláři Emiel Dijkman se ve svém blogu zaměřuje na prospekt vytvoření Evropské obranné unie a možnou obrannou a bezpečnostní spolupráci členských zemí.

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Czech perspectives and European assessment of the Eastern Partnership Agenda

Debata u kulatého stolu na téma "Czech perspectives and European assessment of the Eastern Partnership Agenda".

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Migrants in the ‘no man’s land’ and the Western Balkans in the ‘twilight zone’

How is current migrant crisis showing Western Balkans relations and what damage does it cause there? Read the text by Marko Stojić.

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