INVITATION: NATO Summit: what is at stake for the Czech Republic, the U.S., and the Alliance?

We would like to cordially invite you to the debate with LTG (Ret.) Ben Hodges titled "NATO Summit: what is at stake for the Czech Republic, the U.S., and the Alliance?" which will take place on July 9, 2018 from 17:30 to 19:00 at the American Center in Prague.

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What Role for the Czech Republic in EU Military Missions?

Ondřej Ditrych explores, in his latest policy paper, the role of the Czech Republic in EU military missions, seeking to capture how recent strategic trends play out for the Czech Republic.

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REPORT: Regional Climate Talks: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic

On Tuesday 5th June, 2018, we organized the fifth event from our project Climate Talks: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic, this time in Brno. The report is now available.

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EU28 Survey 2018

We would like to invite you to participate in this pan-European survey on cooperation between the member states of the EU, conducted by the European Council on Foreign Relations.

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Lidové Noviny: Chancellor: Reforms yes, but...

Our Martin Michelot commented the cooperation between Germany and France.

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New CENS publication: Policy Paper on regional cooperation in Central and South Eastern Europe

In a new CENS publication, our Zuzana Stuchlíková discusses conservatism in the Visegrad Group, particularly the Czech Republic, and the potential of Visegrad as a conservative coalition.

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REPORT: Echoes of the EU – Western Balkans Summit: New beginning

The report from the conference ''Echoes of the EU – Western Balkans Summit: New beginning'', which took place on May 23, 2018 in Brussels, is now available.

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Pompeo’s Pompeii: The Eruption of the Iranian Peace Accords and What this means for the EU.

Our Rachel Warren analyzes, in her latest blog, the Iranian Peace Accords after the arrival of the new Secretary of State Mark Pompeo.

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EuropeanWesternBalkans: Echoes of the EU

MEPs, the European Commission and experts discussed the EU enlargement process and the impact and substantial changes of the Sofia EU-Western Balkans Summit.

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INVITATION: Regional Climate Talks: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic

We are proud to present the fifth event from our project Prague Climate Talks, this time in the regions: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic, which will take place on June 5th, 2018 in Brno.

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