COP21: a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom?

The COP21 climate conference in Paris has finished and brought a "historic" agreement. What are its chances to succeed? And what areas were left out of the discussions altogether? Find out in a new blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen and Kateřina Davidová.

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Denmark to have a referendum on abolishing its opt-out on JHA issues

This Thursday, on December 3, Denmark will have a referendum on whether to replace Denmark's current opt-out option of the EU's Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) with an opt-in model or not.

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Czech Republic: A desire to accommodate British demands, but without treaty changes

How do various members of the EU view UK´s ‪‎renegotiation‬? Director of Europeum Vladimír Bartovic explains the Czech point of view on the LSE blog.

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Federica Mogherini and Her First Year as HRVP

Policy brief by Tereza Novotná - summarizing and assessing the first year of Federica Mogherini as HRVP.

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