Klimatickakoalice.cz: The European Parliament today missed an opportunity to position the EU as a clear climate leader

According to Michal Hrubý, our researcher, the state's responsibility for the overall reduction of emissions in transport is a signal for the transition to cleaner mobility. In his commentary, he discusses what challenges await us in the transition to emission-free car models after 2035 and what opportunities are open to the Czech Republic in this direction. Kateřina Davidová, a researcher at our institute, adds her words on European climate policy, describing the possible impacts of weakening the EU ETS.

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INFO.CZ: The enlargement of the European Union is becoming a toxic topic. Can the summit of EU and Western Balkan leaders break the crisis?

For Slovenia, the enlargement of the European Union is currently the expected topic of the leaders' summit. The Western Balkans could be enriched by the EU, which is a priority mainly for Slovenia, as well as the Visegrad countries. However, some member States are critical of the expansion of the Union's circles.

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TA3: Summit of the EU leaders ended. What did negotiations bring?

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on Slovak news television TA3. In the broadcast he commented on a summit of the EU leaders, which took place on 25-26 March. The debate particularly covered the rate of vaccination in Europe and potential controls of vaccines exports.

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TA3: Summit of EU leaders begins, vaccination and vaccine exports will be discussed

Meetings of the prime ministers and presidents of the EU member states began in Brussels. The main topic is the pandemic, vaccination strategies, and delayed delivery of vaccines. US President Joe Biden was also invited to the discussion. What outcome can be expected? This was presented by our associate research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková.

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TA3: Zuzana Stuchlíková on the EU Leaders' Summit in Brussels

Our research collaborator Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the EU summit in Brussels, where EU leaders met to discuss the future European budget.

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TA3: Director of EUROPEUM V. Bartovic on the EU Leaders' Summit

Even though the leaders of the states of the European Union have already been discussing the issues of the EU budget and the recovery fund many times, the final form of the agreement is still unclear. The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Vladimír Bartovic, presented possible pitfalls and obstacles within the negotiations for the Slovak television station TA3.

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EURACTIV: European leaders supported the accession of Western Balkans countries to EU, but specific promises are missing

Our Jana Juzová commented on euractiv.cz in the article "European leaders supported the accession of Western Balkans countries to EU, but specific promises are missing."

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ČT24: Summit lídrů 27 zemí EU

Vít Havelka was speaking in the broadcasting of the Czech television about the summit of the EU in Romanian Sibiu.

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Denník N: Europe's new leader - Emmangela

Our Martin Michelot was quoted in an article on Emmanuel Macron's European vision.

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Pravda.sk: Summit will mark an end to the Slovak EU presidency

Our director Vladimir Bartovic commented for Pravda on the Slovak EU presidency that is slowly coming to an end.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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