REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks: Be small and beautiful - future of nuclear energy?

Třetí letošní debata ze série odborných diskusí o vztazích EU s Tichomořím proběhla online v úterý 28. března 2023. Hosté nabídli své názory na trendy v jaderné energetice, výhled a roli malých modulárních reaktorů v energetice a průmyslu. Více o této debatě se dočtete v reportu Petry Pospíšilové.

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EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region

We would like to invite you to the debate called "EU-Pacific Talks: In-EV-itable future of automotive industry: what is the role of the Pacific region" in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Tuesday, May 30 at 13:00.

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National Convention on the EU | Recommendations: Energy market review

Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka elaborated recommendations resulting from the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on the EU held on 31 March 2023 on the topic "Energy Market Review". Among the recommendations made for the Czech Republic are, for example, to define its energy concept well in the light of the regional context and European energy policy. Another recommendation is that the Czech Republic should continue to incentivise energy savings as a key part of its preparedness for next winter, in line with the extension of the Regulation on coordinated measures to reduce gas demand.

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Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

The car industry is a crucial player for the economies of each Visegrad country, but to remain competitive adaptation is necessary. Since the shift from ICE to EVs leads to a substantial need for Critical Raw Materials (CRM), the V4 countries have and must continue to position themselves along the different parts of the EV battery supply chain from mining, refining to manufacturing, reuse and recycling as well as R&D into new battery chemistries. The future is electric: role of the Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain report addresses areas for Visegrad countries to ensure a sustainable and reliable EV battery supply chain.

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Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

Automobilový průmysl je pro ekonomiky všech visegrádských zemí klíčovým hráčem, ale pro zachování konkurenceschopnosti je nutné se mu přizpůsobit. Vzhledem k tomu, že přechod od vozidel s vnitřním spalovacím motorem k elektrickým vozidlům vede ke značné potřebě kritických surovin (Critical Raw Materials - CRM), země V4 se musely a musejí i nadále snažit zaujmout pozici v různých částech dodavatelského řetězce baterií pro elektrická vozidla, od těžby, rafinace až po výrobu, opětovné použití a recyklaci, jakož i výzkum a vývoj nových chemických technologií baterií. Zpráva The future is electric: Role of the Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain (Budoucnost je elektrická: role zemí Visegrádu v dodavatelském řetězci baterií pro elektromobily) se zabývá oblastmi, v nichž mohou země Visegrádu zajistit udržitelný a spolehlivý dodavatelský řetězec baterií pro elektromobily.

Show more PDF Cheap electromobility has been pushed back by Brussels. Batteries must be eco

Electric cars that do not emit dangerous emissions should slowly replace cars with combustion engines. An environmentally friendly replacement. But what about the production of their batteries? According to the EU, the entire life cycle of these batteries should be environmentally friendly, from production to use to disposal. What measures will be introduced, how will the sale of batteries be regulated and how will this affect their price? Our research fellow Michal Hrubý comments on the topic.

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Aktuálně.cz: It will be essential that at least part of the electric vehicle supply chain is in the Czech Republic

On the occasion of the conference on the topic "How did the Czech Republic turn green during the European Presidency?" spoke our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová. She mentioned that the Czech Republic has promoted a unified approach of the EU countries in the energy sector during the Presidency, for example by having a higher than the standard number of ministerial councils for this issue. She also commented on the ban on selling cars with internal combustion engines after 2035. She says that it will be essential that at least part of the supply chain for electric cars is in the Czech Republic.

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EU MONITOR | From boom to bust: How uncoordinated policies halted solar power deployment in Czechia

In his EU Monitor, Jonathan Lyons writes about the future of solar energy in the Czech Republic. "Harnessing the full potential of solar energy will not only help to meet the EU's decarbonisation targets, but also boost energy security and create local jobs. The potential for solar energy in the Czech Republic is considerable, up to 12 GW," writes Lyons.

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Invitation: EU±// Energy crisis in the European Union

We invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on the topic "The energy crisis in the European Union".

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CEENERGYNEWS | E-mobility, an opportunity for CEE: regional associations sign joint declaration

An article summarising the conference was published in the framework of the conference E-mobility: the Opportunity for Central Eastern Europe. An important milestone of the conference was the signing of a declaration by the leaders of the Czech Platform for Electromobility, the Polish Alternative Fuels Association and the Slovak Electric Vehicle Association.

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