iDNES | EU reformuje trh s elektřinou. Jak chce ochránit zákazníky i posílit průmysl

Kateřina Davidová, Seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM, se vyjádřila k reformám na evropském trhu s elektřinou, a jak tyto změny mohou dopadnout na konkurenceschopnost EU.

Show more Gas pipeline from Poland, oil pipeline from Italy. Czech Republic to borrow billions for projects

The Czech Republic wants to borrow tens of billions through the National Recovery Plan for projects such as the gas pipeline from Poland or the strengthening of the oil pipeline from Italy. The money will come from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility, which should make the loan profitable. Not all projects have been given the green light by the European Commission. Funding for the Dukovany hot water pipeline has been put on hold. Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka commented on this topic.

Show more Plynovod z Polska, ropovod z Itálie. Česko si na projekty půjčí miliardy

Česko si chce prostřednictvím Národního plánu obnovy půjčit desítky miliard na projekty, jako je plynovod z Polska či posílení ropovodu z Itálie. Peníze půjdou z evropského Nástroje pro oživení a odolnost, díky čemuž má být půjčka výhodná. Ne všechny projekty mají od Evropské komise zelenou. Financování horkovodu z Dukovan dostalo stopku. Toto téma okomentoval náš seniorní výzkumný pracovník Vít Havelka.

Show more The Union is not giving up on the idea of a green future. Although it will increase prices for housing and travel

Kateřina Davidová, who leads our climate research team, explains to TREND the possible risks of the new European standards. In the interview, she also adds the reasons why the EU insists on its green policy.

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iDnes: Heating and transport will become more expensive, EU states approve reform of emission allowances

European Union countries on Tuesday gave final approval to another part of a package of climate standards aimed at significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade. Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented on this issue.

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iDnes: Podraží vytápění i doprava, unijní státy schválily reformu emisních povolenek

Země Evropské unie v úterý definitivně schválily další část balíku klimatických norem, s jejichž pomocí chtějí do konce desetiletí významně omezit emise skleníkových plynů. K této problematice se vyjádřila i naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Kateřina Davidová.

Show more Heating and transport will become more expensive, EU states approve reform of emission allowances

European Union countries on Tuesday gave final approval to another part of a package of climate standards aimed at significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade. Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová commented on this issue.

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E15: Evropská unie odpovídá na superpobídky z USA. Zapomněla ale na jádro, diví se experti

Naše seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Kateřina Davidová se vyjádřila pro E15 ke dvěma návrhům, které mají podpořit evropskou zelenou ekonomiku.

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iDNES: Major reform of emission allowances coming, will make fuel and coal more expensive

Against all odds, the EU is sticking to its goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050. The next step is a major reform of emission allowances, tentatively agreed by EU Council and European Parliament negotiators just before Christmas. Emissions trading (ETS) will also apply to buildings and road transport from 2027. Our Senior Researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on this issue for iDNES.

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ENERGY-HUB: Czech Presidency emphasises European energy solidarity

Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová participated in the conference "How did the Czech Republic turn green during the European Presidency?". She commented on what she believes is the success of the Czech Presidency.

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