Balkan Insight | Czechia: Close of 2023 a grim warning of difficult times ahead

Faced with multiple domestic and geopolitical challenges and a population vocally demanding change, Czechia’s unpopular government will urgently need to find new impetus if it is to stand a chance against resurgent right-wing populists. Our researcher Klára Votavová provided her expert commentary for Balkan Insight.

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One World in Brussels | Screening of the film "BLIX NOT BOMBS" + discussion

We cordially invite you to the screening of the film BLIX NOT BOMBS and the subsequent debate, which takes place as part of the Brussels branch of the One World Festival in cooperation with our Brussels office. The screening will take place on Monday, 24 April, at 19:00.

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Deník N | Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia to the EU?

Last week, the European Union decided to open accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, while Georgia became a candidate for membership. The countries are embarking on a multi-year journey towards integration, on which many obstacles lie - if only because parts of them are occupied by the Russian Federation. Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented for Deník N on what awaits these countries, and the whole of the EU-27, in connection with this decision in the coming years.

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BLOG | Migration and climate at the forefront of the European elections in the Czech Republic. What does our research tell us about them?

Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic, migration and climate are the main topics. Parties are using them to shape voters' opinions and to criticise or support European policies. Klára Votavová writes.

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FORUM 24 | Ukraine's accession will mean changes for the European Union itself

In its assessment report, the European Commission recommended EU leaders to open accession negotiations with Ukraine, which is to be decided at the European Council in mid-December. But admitting such a large country, which also neighbours Russia, would mean the EU would require internal reforms in order to uphold the principles on which the Union now operates. In her commentary for FORUM 24, our senior researcher and head of the Global Europe programme describes how would Ukraine's membership change the EU and its institutions.

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ČRo Plus I Czech president named one of the most influential European personalities of the year by Politico

The Brussels daily Politico named Petr Pavel one of the most important European political figures of the year. Our senior researcher Vít Havelka commented on the reasons for this designation.

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INVITATION | EU Enlargement to the Western Balkans: 20 Years After the Thessaloniki Summit

We would like to invite you to the debate "EU Enlargement to the Western Balkans: 20 Years After the Thessaloniki Summit", which will take place on October 16th at 17:00 on the premises of the University of Economics in Prague in room NB 169 (Rectors´ Lounge). Address: Churchill 4, Prague 130 67.

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Policy Paper | 2024 and Beyond: How to Future-proof the Transatlantic Alliance

Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz contributed to an analysis looking at the latest obstacles facing transatlantic security, particularly against the backdrop of Russia's war against Ukraine. The focus is on the need to address geopolitical challenges while pursuing strategic independence on economic and energy issues, all while maintaining the common democratic principles that bind these allies together. The document also anticipates the obstacles ahead in 2024, including a significant election year, and the need for the transatlantic relationship to strengthen its resolve for the future.

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Evropa zblízka | The result of the Granada negotiations: Is the enlargement back on EU's agenda?

The result of the informal meeting of heads of EU states in Granada is adoption of the Granada declaration, which also touches the topic of EU's enlargement. Jana Juzová, a senior researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the issue on Evropa zblízka podcast.

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EU-Pacific Talks: Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment

We would like to invite you to an online debate titled "Taiwan and security dimension - lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment" as part of the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. Expand your knowledge of Taiwan's security situation and come to the debate, which will take place on our Facebook page on Friday, 6 October at 14:00.

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