Prague European Summit | „Jádro musí být součástí Green Dealu.” Ministři Lipavský a Síkela na konferenci představili své priority pro příští Evropskou komisi

V rámci 10. výročí konference Prague European Summit vystoupili se svými projevy ministr zahraničních věcí Jan Lipavský a ministr průmyslu a obchodu Jozef Síkela. Oba reagovali na stále se měnící výzvy, kterým Evropa musí čelit a rozpínající se agresi Ruska, ministr Síkela pak zdůraznil nutnost transformace ekonomiky.

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Seznam Zprávy | The European Union remains on the green path

The green parties has weakened, while the eurosceptic, far-right and climate-sceptic factions have strengthened. However, this is unlikely to be a significant obstacle to the implementation of the Green Deal for Europe. The parties behind it have retained the most seats. What implications will the results of the European Parliament elections have for the Union's climate and environmental policy over the next five years? Senior researcher of EUROPEUM Institute Kateřina Davidová commented for Seznam Zprávy.

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e15 | Green Deal will not end after the EU elections. It needs to be brought back down to earth and wrapped in more attractive paper

This weekend's European Parliament elections will strongly influence the EU agenda for almost the rest of the decade. In particular, the future fate of Green Deal is of great curiosity. After the frenetic green activity of the last five years, the political winds are turning and the appetite for tackling climate change is waning. Filip Křenek, Project Coordinator and Analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the situation for e15.

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Hospodářské noviny | Sooner or later the Green Deal will hit our wallets and politicians are exploiting that fear. But it can't be stopped anymore

The Green Deal is becoming one of the main topics of the upcoming European Parliament elections. Candidate parties emphasize its importance and influence on future politics, with the expected changes affecting various sectors of the economy and the daily lives of citizens. In particular, the amendments to the rules for the ban on the sale of cars with internal combustion engines from 2035 and the upcoming ESG reporting, which could mean a significant administrative burden for medium-sized companies, are being discussed. The transformation towards green technologies brings both opportunities and challenges, and the outcome will depend on the skills and strength of individual negotiators in the coming negotiations. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed the topic in the Hospodářské noviny podcast.

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Hospodářské noviny | Dříve či později zasáhne Green Deal naše peněženky a politici toho strachu zneužívají. Zastavit ho ale už nejde

Green Deal se stává jedním z hlavních témat blížících se voleb do Evropského parlamentu. Kandidující strany zdůrazňují jeho význam a vliv na budoucí politiku, přičemž očekávané změny zasáhnou různé sektory ekonomiky a každodenní život občanů. Diskutuje se zejména o úpravách pravidel pro zákaz prodeje aut se spalovacími motory od roku 2035 a o připravovaném ESG reportingu, který by mohl znamenat výraznou administrativní zátěž pro středně velké firmy. Transformace směrem k zeleným technologiím přináší příležitosti i výzvy, a výsledek bude záviset na dovednostech a síle jednotlivých vyjednávačů v nadcházejících jednáních. V podcastu Hospodářských novin o tématu mluvil zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

Show more | Automobile companies are on board with the Green Deal, it is only politicians who want to scrap it

The Green Deal for Europe is an ambitious strategy to ensure that Europe becomes the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Most of the parties running for the European Parliament want to change this strategy, despite the fact that the car companies are already anticipating the transition. EUROPEUM Institute researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on the topic in an article for

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Vinohradská 12 | What is the Green Deal about?

Green madness. Tragedy. But also a challenge, an opportunity. This is what Czech politicians are saying about the Green Deal. What is it really about and how will this issue drive the European Parliament elections? A topic for Viktor Daňek, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, which he addresses in Czech radio podcast Vinohradská 12.

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Televizní noviny | Is it possible to cancel Green Deal?

One of the most criticised politicises, that was agreed on in Brussels in this term. The critics argue that it decreases the competitiveness of Europe, while environmentalists think it should be stricter. Is it possible to cancel Green Deal? Or at least to modify it? For the main evening broadcast Televizní noviny on TV Nova, Kateřina Davidová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue.

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: what has membership given and taken away from Jeseník?

We invite you to the next Café Evropa debate! Green Deal, migration, security, EU elections, EU subsidies... Are you interested in what's in it for Jeseník? Our guests will answer these and other questions. Come and discuss!

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RILSA | The uncertain fate of the Green Deal for Europe ahead of the European Parliament elections

Farmers' protests have reminded that the measures of the Green Deal for Europe may not be politically viable for Europeans. To make climate policies politically viable, the EU should therefore focus on its commitment not to leave anyone behind in the green transition. Klára Votavová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, discusses the current development of the Green Deal for Europe and its social policy aspects in an expert publication for the Social Policy Forum.

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