Czech European Policy after the Elections – Will There Be Any Change?

We co-organised a seminar entitled "Czech European Policy after the Elections – Will There Be Any Change?".

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Czech Regions in Brussels – Do They Have Any Influence?

We co-organised a seminar on the topic "Czech Regions in Brussels – Do They Have Any Influence?".

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Two-speed Europe and the role of the Czech Republic in it

Vladimír Bartovic, David Král and Ivo Šlosarčík have authored a research paper entitled "Two-speed Europe and the role of the Czech Republic in it".

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Multi-speed Europe and the role of the Czech Republic in it

Vladimír Bartovic and David Král wrote a discussion paper on the topic "Multi-speed Europe and the role of the Czech Republic in it".

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European Foreign Policy Scorecard 2014

Vladimír Bartovic was one of the authors of the European Foreign Policy Scorecard for 2014.

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The Czech Republic and the Fiscal Compact - What Position Will We Finally Take?

We co-organised a seminar on the fiscal compact and the Czech Republic's position.

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ČRo Radio Prague: Distrust of the EU or lack of knowledge?

Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Radio Prague.

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The EU and Ukraine – How Can the EU Influence Future Development of Ukraine?

We are co-organising a seminar on the future developments of Ukraine.

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ČT24: European Day with Czech TV

Vladimír Bartovic commented on the Czech president's speech.

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Dopad místních referend na politickou angažovanost v českých obcích v letech 2002-12

Tomáš Dvořák, Jan Zouhar and Jakub Novák authored an analysis of the results of a unique research, which for the first time in the context of the Czech Republic demonstrates what impact does direct democracy at the local level have on further political involvement of the citizens.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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