RTVS: Diplomatic ties with Turkey in tension

Our Christian Kvorning Lassen was interviewed on RTVS about the worsening of the relations between certain EU member states and Turkey.

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Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks

Applications to our pilot edition of FLEET are now opened!

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Western Balkans - last call to avoid permanent stagnation? 2016 Progress Reports Assessment

The latest contribution to the EASTERN MONITOR series by Christian Kvorning Lassen analyses the 2016 Progress Reports released by the European Commission and points out the main causes for concern.

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Central Europe: The Death of Dreams?

Michal Kořan, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a Policy Brief on the stance of Central Europe within the European Union from the viewpoint of liberal democracy and its current political leaders.

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The Changing Balance of Power in the EU after the British Referendum – V4 Capacities and Opportunities

Zsuzsanna Csornai, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published an analysis of the balance of power within the European Union among Member States both in terms of capacities from the realist point of view and in terms of bargaining power in EU institutions.

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ČRo Radiožurnál: Dutch parliamentary elections

Our resarch fellow Michal Vít was a guest on ČRo Radiožurnál, where he commented on the results of the Dutch parliamentary elections.

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Is the European Defence Union the way forward?

Our Brussels Office Intern Emiel Dijkman focuses in his blog on the prospects of the European Defence Union and possible areas of European cooperation in terms of defence and security.

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28 Europe: The Trump of Vltava

Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on the Greek TV show "28 Europe", which focuses on current issues in Europe and its debate on the future of the EU.

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WP Wiadomości: Wybory prezydenckie we Francji. Kampania umoczonych

Our Martin Michelot contributed to an article about the French presidential elections on WP Wiadomości.

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Sobotka’s Gambit; is the KSCM Mature Enough to make a Viable Government Partner?

Our Research Assistant Marianne Grønning analyses, in her latest blog, the possible outlook for a reinvention of the KSCM party and its prospects in the Czech political system.

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