RTVS: UK general election

Our director Vladimir Bartovic analyzed in an interview for RTVS.sk results of the UK general election.

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ČRo: Juncker's visit of Czech Republic

Our director Vladimir Bartovic commented in an interview for Rozhlas.cz the visit of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in Prague and his message to the Czech Republic.

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INVITATION: Serbia's road to EU membership: Challenges and Opportunities?

In cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in the Czech Republic we would like to cordially invite you to the lecture on Serbia's road to EU membership held by Tanja Miščević – Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Serbia to the EU.

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ČT Studio 6: The UK before the elections

Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on Czech Television Studio 6, where he commented on the upcoming UK elections.

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PRESS RELEASE: A Czech perspective for the future of the EU

On 1 June 2017, the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels hosted the conference "A Czech perspective for the future of the EU", from which the Press Release is now available.

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Café Evropa: Smoking ban – a step towards a healthier Czech Republic or a restriction of freedom?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that is part of the series Café Evropa. Our distinguished guests Martin Kotas and Ondřej Kobza will discuss the following topic: "Smoking ban – a step towards a healthier Czech Republic or a restriction of freedom?"

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Oenergetice.cz: Jörg Jasper (EnBW): In 10 years we will think differently about flexibility

Our Michal Vít conducted, together with Jakub Kučera, an interview for Oenergetice.cz with an expert on energy and energy policy Jörg Jasper. They discussed the energy market and Austrian-German price zone split.

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Desperate gamble or strategic move by the Czech Prime minister?

Our Hanka Fridrichová analyses, in her new blog, the ongoing political crisis in the Czech Republic that is confusing both analysts and citizens.

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Oenergetice.cz: Michael Kranhold (50Hertz): The Germans pay more for electricity, but are satisfied

Our Michal Vít conducted, together with Jakub Kučera, an interview with Michael Kranhold (50Hertz) about the electricity market and energy policy.

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Foreign Policy: Likely Next Czech Prime Minister Will Get Along Great With Trump

In an interview for Foreign Policy, our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on Sobotka's recent attempt to tender the resignation of his entire coalition government.

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