France and the V4 in a multi-speed Europe: rough times ahead?

Our Martin Michelot, in his latest policy paper, explores the relationship of France and the Visegrad group from a perspective of Macron's strategies, a possible multi-speed scenario and a political Franco-German axis, outlining the long-term prospect of cooperation.

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Central Europe: The Death of Dreams?

Michal Kořan, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a Policy Brief on the stance of Central Europe within the European Union from the viewpoint of liberal democracy and its current political leaders.

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Central Europe: The Death of Dreams?

Michal Kořan vypracoval v rámci projektu Think Visegrad Policy Brief, ve kterém zkoumá pozici států Střední Evropy z pohledu liberální demokracie a jejich postavení v rámci Evropské unie s ohledem na postoje jejich současných politických představitelů.

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The Changing Balance of Power in the EU after the British Referendum – V4 Capacities and Opportunities

Zsuzsanna Csornai, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published an analysis of the balance of power within the European Union among Member States both in terms of capacities from the realist point of view and in terms of bargaining power in EU institutions.

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The Changing Balance of Power in the EU after the British Referendum – V4 Capacities and Opportunities

Zsuzsanna Csornai vypracovala v rámci projektu Think Visegrad analýzu rozložení sil v rámci Evropské unie mezi členskými státy. Studie v rámci analýzy konceptů rozdělení kapacity moci a vyjednávací síly vychází z teorie realismu.

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Central Europe and the rise of nationalism

Our Michal Vít contributed to the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs' publication titled Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration with a chapter on the broader context of political development of the V4 region in the light of the immigration crisis of 2015 and 2016.

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Central Europe and the rise of nationalism

Náš Michal Vít přispěl k publikaci Barcelona Centre for International Affairs s názvem ''Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration'' s kapitolou o širším kontextu politického rozvoje regionu zemí V4 ve světle migrační krize roku 2015 a 2016.

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Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe

Our partner Center for European Neighborhood Studies has published a new book titled "Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe. Good practices and limits of transferability".

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Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe

Náš partner Center for European Neighborhood Studies vydal novou publikaci s názvem "Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe. Good practices and limits of transferability".

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The European Union and Eastern Partnership: Crises and Strategic Assessment

Tomasz Stępniewski, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published an analysis of the EU and Eastern Partnership relations.

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