INVITATION: Czech EU Presidency - what promotional events are planned?

We invite you to a debate entitled "Czech EU Presidency - what promotional events are planned?" The debate will take place on Thursday 2 December at 17:30.

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MINILATERAL COOPERATION IN THE EU: Internal Cohesion, Group Dynamics, and Voting Behaviour of Selected State Blocks

Our research fellow Vít Havelka contributed to the publication "MINILATERAL COOPERATION IN THE EU: Internal Cohesion, Group Dynamics, and Voting Behaviour of Selected State Blocks", published by the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade. He is the author of a chapter on the Visegrad Group.

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MINILATERÁLNÍ SPOLUPRÁCE V EU: Vnitřní soudržnost, skupinová dynamika, a hlasovací chování vybraných státních bloků

Náš výzkumný pracovník Vít Havelka se podílel na publikaci s názvem "MINILATERAL COOPERATION IN THE EU: Internal Cohesion, Group Dynamics, and Voting Behaviour of Selected State Blocks", kterou vydal Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade. V publikaci je autorem kapitoly zabývající se Visegradskou skupinou.

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ČT24: Signing of the new coalition agreement

Our research fellow Vít Havelka appeared on national television ČT24, in which he commented on the newly formed government. In the interview, he compared the difference in the coalition declaration with the previous government of Andrej Babiš in the section on access to the European Union.

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ČT24: Podpis nové koaliční smlouvy

Náš výzkumný pracovník Vít Havelka vystoupil v pořadu 90' na ČT24, ve kterém komentoval nově vznikající vládu. V interview například porovnával rozdíl v koaličním prohlášení s předchozí vládou Andreje Babiše v části o přístupu k Evropské Unii.

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INVITATION: "Norway and the Czech Republic – Challenges on the Way to Sustainability and Decarbonization"

We would like to invite you to the debate called "Norway and the Czech Republic – Challenges on the Way to Sustainability and Decarbonization" The debate will take place online on Thursday 11 November at 18:00.

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Review of the Czech EU Policy in 2020/2021

Our researchers Vít Havelka, Kateřina Davidová and Danielle Piatkiewicz wrote a paper titled Review of the Czech EU Policy in 2020/2021.

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Review of the Czech EU Policy in 2020/2021

Naši výzkumní pracovníci Vít Havelka, Kateřina Davidová a Danielle Piatkiewicz sepsali posudek s názvem Review of the Czech EU Policy in 2020/2021.

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INVITATION: EU± 20 years of the Allied mission in Afghanistan - what are the lessons for NATO and the EU?

We invite you to the debate "20 years of the Allied mission in Afghanistan - what are the lessons for NATO and the EU?", which will take place online on Thursday 4 November 2021 at 18:00.

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POZVÁNKA: EU± 20 let spojenecké mise v Afghánistánu – jaké ponaučení z ní vyplývají pro NATO a EU?

Zveme Vás na debatu “20 let spojenecké mise v Afghánistánu – jaké ponaučení z ní vyplývají pro NATO a EU?", která bude probíhat online ve čtvrtek 4. listopadu 2021 od 18:00.

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