Call for papers - Academic Debate on Slovenia's Role in Visegrad Group

Call for papers for a project focused on the Visegrad Group.

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Czech perspectives and European assessment of the Eastern Partnership Agenda

Roundtable debate with the title "Czech perspectives and European assessment of the Eastern Partnership Agenda".

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Czech perspectives and European assessment of the Eastern Partnership Agenda

Debata u kulatého stolu na téma "Czech perspectives and European assessment of the Eastern Partnership Agenda".

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Invitation: Is the EU moving closer to Ukraine? Why mutual perceptions matter

Panel discussion on mutual perceptions between Ukraine and the EU and how these affect the relationship between them.

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Pozvánka: Přibližuje se EU Ukrajině? Proč na vzájemném vnímání záleží

Panelová diskuze věnovaná vzájemnému vnímání Ukrajiny a EU a tomu, jak toto vnímání dále ovlivňuje vztahy mezi nimi.

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More divisions and fewer decisions: just another day in Brussels?

Will the V4 countries find a common ground with the "Old Europe" regarding the refugee crisis? Read Martin Michelot's take on Central Europe's transformed image in Brussels.

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