Prague Climate Talks 2017

We are proud to present our pilot project aimed at establishing a platform for continued high-level discussion on the complex issue of climate change: Prague Climate Talks. The project will host a series of debates with experts, professionals from varying relevant fields and the general public.

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Prague Climate Talks 2017

S radostí představujeme náš pilotní projekt Prague Climate Talks, který vytváří platformu pro expertní diskuze na témata spojená se změnami klimatu. V rámci tohoto projektu se uskuteční několik debat s odborníky a profesionály z relevantních oborů.

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Commentary: The Rome Summit

Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Tereza Novotná, Zuzana Stuchlíková and Alexandr Lagazzi react to the signed Rome Declaration from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.

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REPORT: Seminar "Foreign Policy and Trade under Trump's Presidency: What's Next for the Transatlantic Relations?"

On 23 February our Tereza Novotna together with the London School of Economics organised a seminar on the topic of foreign policy and trade under Trump's presidency. The report is now available.

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COP21: a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom?

The COP21 climate conference in Paris has finished and brought a "historic" agreement. What are its chances to succeed? And what areas were left out of the discussions altogether? Find out in a new blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen and Kateřina Davidová.

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COP21: O naději, mase a rozvojové pomoci

Klimatická konference v Paříži skončila a přinesla "přelomovou" dohodu. Jak velkou šanci na úspěch dohoda má? A které oblasti zůstávají stále nedořešené? Čtěte v novém blogu Christiana Kvorning Lassena a Kateřiny Davidové.

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