RTVS: K veci programme

Our Alexandr Lagazzi was interviewed for the Slovak RTVS' 'K veci' programme on the role of the newly nominated Italian PM and the situation in Italy after the formation of the new government.

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TA3: A. Lagazzi on the next Italian Prime Minister

Our Alexandr Lagazzi commented for TA3 the newly nominated Prime Minister and the next steps for the newly formed Italian government.

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INVITATION: Regional Climate Talks: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic

We are proud to present the fifth event from our project Prague Climate Talks, this time in the regions: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic, which will take place on June 5th, 2018 in Brno.

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TA3: A. Lagazzi on the political situation in Italy

Our Alexandr Lagazzi commented for TA3 the latest developments in Italy, where the Northern League and M5S presented their coalition programme to the President.

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EURACTIV: The new European energy policy is crystallising in Brussels: what will it look like?

Our Kateřina Davidová analyzes, in her latest article for EurActiv, the state of play of the future European energy policy.

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Hospodářské noviny: Migration is our main topic within the EU, said Andrej Babiš at GLOBSEC. And Schengen has no logic

Our Martin Michelot was quoted in an article for Hospodářské noviny commenting the speech of Andrej Babiš during the GLOBSEC conference.

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ČT24: The EU-Western Balkans summit has started in Sofia

Our Jana Juzová commented for ČT24 the ongoing EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia.

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ČRo Plus: New coalition and NATO

Our Vladimír Bartovic offers his thoughts for ČRo Plus on the impacts of a possible government coalition in regards to the position of the Czech Republic towards NATO.

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INVITATION: U.S.-Czech Security Cooperation: History and Perspectives

We would like to cordially invite you to the debate with Jim Townsend titled "U.S.-Czech Security Cooperation: History and Perspectives" which will take place on April 16, 2018 from 16:30 to 18:00 at the Prague Creative Centre.

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INVITATION: Echoes of the EU – Western Balkans summit: New beginning?

We would like to invite you to the conference titled ''Echoes of the EU – Western Balkans summit: New beginning?'' which will take place on May 23, 2018.

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