ČRo Plus: PM's of V4 will not be attending the EU summit on migration

Our Vít Havelka has commented the absence of V4 PM's at the Brussels summit on migration.

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Is Germany too much for us?

Edit Inotai, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief on the role of Germany within the EU and towards the V4 countries.

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What Role for the Czech Republic in EU Military Missions?

Ondřej Ditrych explores, in his latest policy paper, the role of the Czech Republic in EU military missions, seeking to capture how recent strategic trends play out for the Czech Republic.

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REPORT: Regional Climate Talks: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic

On Tuesday 5th June, 2018, we organized the fifth event from our project Climate Talks: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic, this time in Brno. The report is now available.

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Europe on Populism: Policies of intolerance should not be tolerated

Our Rachel Warren analyzes in her latest blog the rise of populist tendencies in European politics.

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RTVS.sk: Richard Grenell went too far

Our Vladimír Bartovic commented for RTVS the controversy around Richard Grenell's statement given to Breitbart.

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EU28 Survey 2018

We would like to invite you to participate in this pan-European survey on cooperation between the member states of the EU, conducted by the European Council on Foreign Relations.

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Správy Pravda.sk: Šefčovič as chairman of the European commission? Its a distant vision

Our Vladimír Bartovic for Správy Pravda.sk commented on the ambitions of Šefčovič for the position of President of the European Commission.

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TA3: A. Lagazzi on the formation of the next Italian government

Our Alexandr Lagazzi commented for TA3 the newly formed Italian government, its coalition programme and its next steps.

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Lidové Noviny: Chancellor: Reforms yes, but...

Our Martin Michelot commented the cooperation between Germany and France.

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