Seznam Zprávy: Pirate youth wants to change Czech euroscepticism

The site Seznam Zprávy reffered to the opinion poll about the Czech EU membership published by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in February 2018.

Show more May plays for time with brexit

Analyst Vít Havelka talked with the E15 daily about Theresa May's Brexit negotiation.

Show more Austria reduced child benefits for foreign workers. Czechia considers joining lawsuit. You create "second-class citizens", critics say

Vladimír Bartovic talked to about a controversial step of the Austrain government, which may end up at Court of Justice of the European Union.

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Lidové noviny: Eurotandem Soukup-Okamura

Vladimír Bartovic commented for the Lidové noviny daily on a possible alliance of the parties of Jaromír Soukup and Tomio Okamura in the European Parliament elections.

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ČT24: PM May to negotiate with Corbyn

Vít Havelka talked on the ČT24 tv channel about the latest brexit development. On Tuesday, British PM Theresa May announced that she would start negotiations with the leader of the opposition Labour party Jeremy Corbyn.

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Invitation: The future of the EU-UK security relationship seen from Central Europe (Brussels)

The Think Visegrad platform and the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy cordially invite you to an expert round table.

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E15.CZ: Britští poslanci se drží v šachu, dohodu o brexitu nejspíš neschválí ani potřetí

Vít Havelka was answering the questions concerning Brexit and its upcoming development.

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EURACTIV.CZ: Princip právního státu ve střední Evropě pod tlakem. Jak je na tom Česko?

Zuzana Stuchlíková answered the questions concerning the legal system in the Czech Republic.

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INFO.CZ: Podpořte moji dohodu o brexitu a odejdu, nabízí Mayová. Proč hra na obětního beránka nevyjde?

Vladimír Bartovic was speaking with a redactor about the current brexit situation and further scenarios.

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Libération: A Prague, le leader hongrois divise aussi

Martin Michelot talked with the French daily Libération about the relationship between Andrej Babiš and Viktor Orbán.

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