IFAT: How Could the European Elections Reshape Central Europe’s Role in the EU?

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková contributed to the latest issue of the 4:1 project of the Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT), whose topic was "How Could the European Elections Reshape Central Europe’s Role in the EU?".

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ČRo Plus: Britain is preparing for hard Brexit

On 5 April, Michal Vít was guest in Czech Radio Plus station's broadcast about Brexit.

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ČRo Plus: Assessment of EU debate

Our Vít Havelka talked in Czech Radio Plus station's broadcast on the topic of Czechs' knowledge about the European Union.

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iDNES.cz: EU summit likely to postpone Brexit but not to date requested by London

News site iDNES.cz referred to the commentary on the 10 April's special European Council summit presented by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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ČTK: Telička succeeded in rankings but work of MEPs can be evaluated in various ways

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the ranking of Czech members of the European Parliament for the Czech News Agency (ČTK). The article was later also published by other media outlets.

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REPORT: The future of the EU-UK security relationship seen from Central Europe

On 9th of April, the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels hosted the roundtable "The future of the EU-UK security relationship seen from Central Europe". The report from the discussion organized by the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Think Visegrad platform is now available.

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INFO.CZ: Spolupráce V4 má pro Česko smysl, ale v Bruselu je to červený hadr, říká Stuchlíková

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková was interviewed about the Visegrad group and its medial reflection.

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Blízkému spojenectví navzdory: Polsko-litevské vztahy ve 21. století

Matěj Faltus put his attention on tricky Polish-Lithuanian relationship since the year 1989. In many ways these bilateral relations are quite similar to the relations of Czechs and Slovaks.

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RECOMMENDATIONS: Priroties of Czech Republic for summit in Sibiu

Recommendations from the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on EU Affairs for the informal summit of the European Council, which will take place on 9 May in Sibiu, are now available. They were prepared by Vladimír Bartovic and Zuzana Kasáková from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and are based on the discussion which took place on 29 March in the Liechtenstein Palace in Prague.

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INVITATION: Europe’s choice: Debate with European Parliament candidates

There is only a month left until the elections to European Parliament. We invite you to the upcoming debate organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Seznam Zprávy, which will také place on 15 May from 8:30PM at Jack Daniel's Musician Factory Studio (Tusarova 31, 170 00 Prague 7).

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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email: europeum@europeum.org