REPORT: The future of the EU-UK security relationship seen from Central Europe

On 9th of April, the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels hosted the roundtable "The future of the EU-UK security relationship seen from Central Europe". The report from the discussion organized by the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Think Visegrad platform is now available.

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Commentary: Special European Council (Art. 50)

Vladimír Bartovic, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Martin Michelot and Vít Havelka present their thoughts on the prospect of a long Brexit extension (April 10).

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ČT24: PM May to negotiate with Corbyn

Vít Havelka talked on the ČT24 tv channel about the latest brexit development. On Tuesday, British PM Theresa May announced that she would start negotiations with the leader of the opposition Labour party Jeremy Corbyn.

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Commentary: EUCO Meeting in March 2019

Martin Michelot, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Alexandr Lagazzi and Kateřina Davidová react to the EUCO Meeting held in March 2019.

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ČT24: Brexit negotiations

Vladimír Bartovic for the Czech TV on the meeting of UK Brexit minister Stephen Barclay and EU Chief Negotiator for Brexit Michel Barnier.

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Western Balkans in the loop: Reshaping regional cooperation in times of uncertainty

Gentiola Madhi authored, within the Think Visegrad Non-V4 Fellowship programme, an analysis on the state of the affairs of regional cooperation in the Western Balkans.

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The Czech perspective on the Commission ́s MFF proposal 8 months

Vít Havelka authored a policy brief on the Czech perspective on the European Commission's Multiannual Financial Framework.

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Finding a Visegrad added value in the new Cohesion Policy, 2021-27

Daniel Šitera, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief on the V4 cooperation within the new Cohesion Policy.

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Germany and the V4: renewed cooperation opportunities in the new political context

Kamil Frymark, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief on the V4-German cooperation.

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Three months until Brexit – Are we ready?

Miroslava Pěčková authored a policy brief on the ongoing Brexit negotiations and the impact of Brexit on the Czech Republic.

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