Seznam Zprávy: French fries, photos like from a school trip and scolding Macron. Behind the scenes of the summit

Vít Havelka commented on the European summit for the Checkpoint series, a podcast from Seznam Zprávy.

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Rádio Slovensko: EU leaders agreed on recovery fund

n Tuesday's (July 21st) broadcast of Rádio Slovensko, the director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Vladimír Bartovic, commented on the topic of the recovery fund, the form and division of finances which were agreed upon by the leaders of the European Union member states after the Special European Council.

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ČRo Plus: Afternoon Plus: Analysis of the Special European Council

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Vladimír Bartovic, was the guest of the afternoon broadcast of the Czech Radio Plus station on Monday, July 20. In his commentary, he provided an analysis of the special European Council.

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European Council Summary (17–21 July 2020)

Vít Havelka prepared a summary of the European Council meeting for the Czech Interests in the EU project, the topic of which was the EU budget for the period 2021 27 (multiannual financial framework) and the EU Next Generation Recovery Fund.

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Index of Czech Interests in the EU: The discussed European aid will be beneficial for the Czech economy

Within the project called Czech Interests in the EU, experts and researchers examine whether and how the interests of the Czech Republic are being carried through in European institutions. The result of the survey is the regularly published Index of Czech Interests. The topic of the first one is the response to the economic recession following the Special European Council.

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TA3: Director of EUROPEUM V. Bartovic on the EU Leaders' Summit

Even though the leaders of the states of the European Union have already been discussing the issues of the EU budget and the recovery fund many times, the final form of the agreement is still unclear. The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Vladimír Bartovic, presented possible pitfalls and obstacles within the negotiations for the Slovak television station TA3.

Show more Brussels meets Matovič

The Special European Council was the first major foreign policy test for Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovič. Vladimír Bartovic, director of our Institute, commented on the topic of challenges and expectations in this regard for the Slovak news portal

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ČT24: Germany is taking over the presidency of the Council of the EU

Our Vít Havelka commented for ČT24 on the topic of German Council Presidency and country's desire to help the European Union to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Member states’ expectations towards the German Council Presidency

Christian Kvorning Lassen from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy together with Jan Kovář from Institute of International Relations Prague wrote a commentary "Czechia: economic recovery at the expense of climate and solidarity" for the EPIN Report publication, concerned with Germany's EU Council presidency, which starts in July.

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Hospodářské noviny: Germans take over EU leadership. Other countries are already looking forward to it

Vladimír Bartovic commented for Hospodářské noviny on the preparations for the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in connection with the beginning of the German Presidency.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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